question about androgel testosterone


New member
I have access to androgel n was wondering if it would be ok to use at the beginning of a cycle to kick things off. I was told not to use a fast test like prop or susp but off what I read about this stuff is its pretty weak n almost pointless. Would it be beneficial ? It wouldn't hurt would it?
If you can get that androgel to get your testosterone levels over 1,500 ng/dl, you might get some effect, but you would have to bathe in that stuff. It can work as TRT for some people, but i wouldn't waste it like that.
Ok thanx. It's prob not gonna do much but there's nothing to worry about either. I was just thinking for the first 2 weeks untill test e kicked in since it isn't strong or long lasting.
I would not recommend using it in the manner you are suggesting. It is going to give you lots of aromatization problems. And with that much slathered all over you, the risk of transfer to women and children around you will be really high.
I would not recommend using it in the manner you are suggesting. It is going to give you lots of aromatization problems. And with that much slathered all over you, the risk of transfer to women and children around you will be really high.

That is what I would be scared of myself
it s damn near worthless dude really
the smell the application

I had to start with it to get on trt but never used it so nothing my trt shots