Question about ending cycle early


New member
I decided for my first cycle I'd do Havoc's epistane because after research it seemed to have the least amount of side effects on people.

I decided if I noticed any hair loss that was abnormal (I believe Im genetically predisposed to it) I'd quit the cycle early. And, well yeah, abnormal amounts of hairloss today.

My question is, I'm only on my 9th day in. Can I quit without post cycle therapy (pct) without any problems? Or should I take post cycle therapy (pct) anyways?

If I need to take it anyways, can I take it for a reduced amount of time since it's only been 9 days? Also, does post cycle therapy (pct) have side effects?

And finally, I wont be able to get my post cycle therapy (pct) for about 3-4 days. Should I continue taking the Havoc, maybe a smaller dose, until I get it? I had planned on taking 30mg of Havoc for the first and second week.

Thanks in advance! :)
That's why you should have everything in hand before you start cycle. I am not sure if you need to jump into PCT, but if you do, you don't have it with you...
I decided for my first cycle I'd do Havoc's epistane because after research it seemed to have the least amount of side effects on people.

I decided if I noticed any hair loss that was abnormal (I believe Im genetically predisposed to it) I'd quit the cycle early. And, well yeah, abnormal amounts of hairloss today.

My question is, I'm only on my 9th day in. Can I quit without post cycle therapy (pct) without any problems? Or should I take post cycle therapy (pct) anyways?

If I need to take it anyways, can I take it for a reduced amount of time since it's only been 9 days? Also, does post cycle therapy (pct) have side effects?

And finally, I wont be able to get my post cycle therapy (pct) for about 3-4 days. Should I continue taking the Havoc, maybe a smaller dose, until I get it? I had planned on taking 30mg of Havoc for the first and second week.

Thanks in advance! :)

...what are you doing?

No offense, but this sounds like a lot of half-cocked BS. You don't start cycles without post cycle therapy (pct) available, and you are making some bizarre decisions regarding "hair loss". I don't know how you would judge how much hair is "more hair loss" after slightly over a week. Sounds like you're getting paranoid.

You should probably see a doctor before you start up again.
I think you're probzably overreacting, but imo if you're gonna quit it run it 20mg or 10mg till your stuff comes then nolva 20 for the first two days, then 10 for two weeks. Along with a test booster. Next time get some n2 shampoo, it really helps!!