i was wondering if the amount of a steroid you take has an effect on how much you get shut down. for example, if someone were to do a 10 week cycle at 2g test a week, would their natural test be shut down any longer than someone who was to do a 10 week cycle at 400mg a week?
my guess would be yes and no. the no is because at 400mg of test per week, over a period of 10 weeks, your natural test will be shut down. if you were going to increase the dosage, i dont think that you will be shut down anymore because that isn't possible, 400mg in itself will do the trick, so adding any additional testosterone will have no additional negative impact once you reach a dose great enough to shut down your natural levels (and i think 400mg would be sufficient, even 250 would probably be sufficient as well, otherwise we would start clomid therapy once the half life was up on your standard enan 500mg a week cycle). and since the half life remains the same, it doesn't matter how much you shoot it will get out of your system at the same rate (although i have read where some people think as the bolus increases so does the half life, not sure about this). this is why i dont think a cycle of 2g would shut you down any more than 400mg, assuming the total length at the given dose remains the same.
as for the yes part, i think if you use a steroid that aromatizes, the higher dosage may shut you down further, because there will obviousley be more estrogen. but the half life of estradiol which i dont know would have to be taken into account, if its longer than that of the test ester you are using this could be a problem, although i would think armidex would solve it as long as you continued to use it post cycle if need be (based on half life). i think taking armidex post cycle would do more harm than good, but i think the net gains would be much greater because you are using a higher dose of gear during the cycle, and you will add more mass and in the end will have more net mass.
for this reason i like higher dosages, because i dont think the additional dose will shut you down any further. gains may be harder to keep because your cycle will bring you closer to your genetic limit, however i dont see how this would be a reason to use lower dosages (no one trys to gain less on a cycle in order to stay farther from their genetic limit obviousley).
im not saying there aren't other problems that would happen with higher dosages (sides, gyno, prostate), but harming your endocrine system and being further "shut down" than you would at lower dosages dont look like they would be problems to me if someone was to use higher dosages.
any thoughts?
my guess would be yes and no. the no is because at 400mg of test per week, over a period of 10 weeks, your natural test will be shut down. if you were going to increase the dosage, i dont think that you will be shut down anymore because that isn't possible, 400mg in itself will do the trick, so adding any additional testosterone will have no additional negative impact once you reach a dose great enough to shut down your natural levels (and i think 400mg would be sufficient, even 250 would probably be sufficient as well, otherwise we would start clomid therapy once the half life was up on your standard enan 500mg a week cycle). and since the half life remains the same, it doesn't matter how much you shoot it will get out of your system at the same rate (although i have read where some people think as the bolus increases so does the half life, not sure about this). this is why i dont think a cycle of 2g would shut you down any more than 400mg, assuming the total length at the given dose remains the same.
as for the yes part, i think if you use a steroid that aromatizes, the higher dosage may shut you down further, because there will obviousley be more estrogen. but the half life of estradiol which i dont know would have to be taken into account, if its longer than that of the test ester you are using this could be a problem, although i would think armidex would solve it as long as you continued to use it post cycle if need be (based on half life). i think taking armidex post cycle would do more harm than good, but i think the net gains would be much greater because you are using a higher dose of gear during the cycle, and you will add more mass and in the end will have more net mass.
for this reason i like higher dosages, because i dont think the additional dose will shut you down any further. gains may be harder to keep because your cycle will bring you closer to your genetic limit, however i dont see how this would be a reason to use lower dosages (no one trys to gain less on a cycle in order to stay farther from their genetic limit obviousley).
im not saying there aren't other problems that would happen with higher dosages (sides, gyno, prostate), but harming your endocrine system and being further "shut down" than you would at lower dosages dont look like they would be problems to me if someone was to use higher dosages.
any thoughts?