Question about Nolvadex, advice please.


New member
Just a question guys, If I wanted to run Nolva during cycle and since you should wait a while after your cycle to start PCT, how would this work?

Do I stop Nolva too, then wait to use it for PCT?

Or actually stay on the Nolva through the PCT?
I'm curious about this too. How long should you wait post-cycle to start PCT?

I can only imagine it depends on what you are taking. Steroids with short half-lives (i.e. Anadrol) probably sooner. Steroids with long half-lives (i.e. Test E), probably later. I don't know how long it takes for the testosterone metabolites to leave your body post-cycle though. Anybody have any research on this?
Rule of thumb is to wait a minimum of 3 half lives for the longest ester you are taking. The problem is finding the half life, as there seems to be a lot of different numbers depending on where you look. For Test C or E, I use 6 days, so post cycle therapy (pct) would start at 18 days, but a lot of guys will go with 2-3 weeks as a range. This web site might help. I think the half lives they use are a little long, but there's no harm in waiting a few extra days.

post cycle therapy (pct) Calculator | Post Cycle Therapy Calculator