Question about PCT and arimidex/nolva...


I am banned!
So basically I'm poor right now and can't afford proper pct. I know I should of bought nolva and clomid before the cycle started but thats just the way it goes, its going to take me awhile before I can get it.

Anyway, Can I just continue using my arimidex that I've been taking during the cycle, off cycle. It works similar to nolva right?
Basically, Will the arimidex keep me from getting gyno? (it has thus far) Thats all I care about.
your not worried about doing a proper PCT to recover your natural test production so that you don't feel like shit for the next 6 months ? your just worried about gyno

personally,, I'd go work a temp labor place for one day, make the money, and buy what I needed to do it right
I read up on google, I guess I do need nolva, I think I can put together 50 bucks to get the liquid nolva. Does it matter if I start pct a couple weeks late?
I went ahead and got some liquid nolva and clomid... never used clomid before so I'm interested to see how that goes...