Question about Primo

Miss Perfection

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Hi gurls (& k'ledgeable guys),

As almost every Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) gives me BAD water retention, I want to try Primo (enanthate) as it's reputed to have a very low aromatase factor. Before starting, I want to research this right to avoid any nasty surprises. Does anyone know what is to be expected for females? Like:

* does it/doesn't it cause water weight?
* what is the best dose?
* how long before effect is felt?
* how does it effect mood?

Any input is welcome!

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Hi Miss!

Primo is pretty good for little to none water retention! Definately one of the better steroids for female use.

I think the best dose to start out with is 30-35 mg each week. Since you tend to retain water start out low to be safe and see. Most women do about 50 but I think 35 is a better place to start.

You should start to notice results between 2-4 weeks. Some people may have to wait 6.

You may notice an increase in sex drive....but most likely not a decrease. I've never known primo to decrease anyones sex drive anyways. As for mood....I don't think it affects mood too much. But I'm not positive on that.

One word of is pretty hard to come by real primo....fake is much more prevalent so beware of that!
I recently did a run with Primo. I'm not sure I'd bother with it again (unless of course it came to me free and gift wrapped); I've used other stuff with much, much better results. I never noticed any strength increase and it's hardening effect was so minimal it wasn't even worth the pin prick. I'd say I noticed something happen after about five weeks use. Eventually I ran Anavar over the top of it and then things started coming good! However, I didn't experience any sides from the Primo whatsoever and it was defo legit stuff. Good luck with your experience.
hah! legit primo is definitely scarce; if you can find some it's like liquid gold for most women b/c of the lack of sides. it's quite possibly one of the most tolerable drugs out there for women; effective both bny itself and stacked in low doses with var/winny/etc. good luck! H2o, what was your dosage?

I think you might balk a bit.

I started with 200mg a week divided in to two shots. I ended up doing 400mg a week. I ran the Primo in total for 12 weeks. I started running 15mg a day of Winstrol (winny) over the top of the Primo at about 6 weeks and Anavar at 20mg a day. No sides whatsoever. What can I say. My body loves drugs. I liked how I started looking after about two weeks on the Winny/Anavar. Rock hard to touch, very defined and rather vascular.
MY ex ran it. She started at 100mg EW and then backed off to 50 and then tapered to 25 I think the whole thing ewas about 10 wekes or so. She got no sides except a urine smell in the vagina department and alittle strange urin like sicharge. Her voice did crackle and deepen a bit but went back to pretty much normal and her sex drive was through the roof. Strength went up alot. Not water retention ajnd looked rock ard. Definitly put on some lean muscle mass.