question about primobol


New member
I am 20 years old and am 5'5 130lbs and have just started back at the gym and eating clean and recently received primobol from my boyfriend. I was curious how I should take it and with what kind of diet and excersise. I have done Winstrol (winny) before and saw results but this will be my first time with this. any feedback would be great because I am kinda lost in it all. thankyou! :)
Primobolan is one of the most faked steroids out there. Before injecting any of it, I would make sure you post a picture of your exact Primo so that we can make sure you have legit stuff.

Aside from that, Primo is actually a very good drug for women. Compared to other compounds, Primo is very mild in terms of side effects and should be able to give you the boost you are looking for in the gym. As far as diet goes, thats all up to you. If you want to get big, eat a lot. If you are looking to cut down, then just make sure your diet is clean and the portions are not too big.
Thankyou for replying! I believe they are 100mg tabs. what should be the right amount to take for me? and how should I cycle it??? My boyfriend took them and he definatly saw results so I hope they are the same ones but as soon as I get them I will post a picture to see if they are real.
Is it primobolan or is it a prohormone called primobol? The reason why I ask is that the highest concentration tab made for primobolan is 50mg by both Quality Vet and British Dragon. Unless the tabs you have are from some underground lab 100mg tabs of primobolan don't exist.
I'm not exactly sure I haven't gotten them yet, they are still in the mail, but my boyfreind said that he thought they were 100's but he may be wrong, I will ask him about exactly what they are. I should get them in the next couple of days but any info I can get from anyone would be greatly appreciated because as I said before I am kinda new at all of this and somewhat on my own because He only knows what worked for him and I am half the size and a woman.
Hey Vegas...
get us pics asap!

I back what the guys said!! 50mgs tabs is the highest from what i have seen and researched... You can get 100mg in depot, but not in tabs and Primo is soooooo faked it is not even funny.. damn schering... so please exercise great caution!

what are your goals anyway?? Do you want to build muscle? Have you researched the risks vs the rewards with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and women?? some sides are irreversible...

Knowledge is power! Start smart, be conservative and succeed!

OK, also interested in primo. I have 50 mg tabs from Brit Dragon. I weigh 130 --looking to increase strength and endurance (soccer, not bodybuilding). Any advice? Thanks. (posting on my boyfriend's user name, yes, I should get my own!!)
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hi dear :primobolan depot is best for womens but you have todo 1 month train ferst and than you can use hormons after physicians recomands bye now
thanks much!

Any other oral primo info? Not a body builder but a competitive athlete looking for an edge in strength and speed. 130 lbs.