question about running an ai


New member
If less body fat means less test turning to estrogen on cycle (I'm about 15% maybe less) would I want to run my ai at a less dose? Or maybe every 3 days instead of eod?
If less body fat means less test turning to estrogen on cycle (I'm about 15% maybe less) would I want to run my ai at a less dose? Or maybe every 3 days instead of eod?

Which AI do you have and at what dosage are you planning?

Is this your first cycle?
I don't think ne body could answer ne question ever, without blood work. I'm saying generally speaking. Maybe not should I run less but if I tried less would I shorten dose or run less often.
N unfortunately I didn't have blood work done, is there ne point in getting it done now 5 weeks into cycle?
I have enough to go 16 weeks, n I know I should only go 12. Rough start with knowledge, had no pct no hcg no ai. Hcg and ai I started on week four.
Well according to some of your other threads, u did a 3 week sust "cycle". You said you stopped it. You were going to get test e,hcg, pct and everything else you needed before you start again. Your 37, 6' and 180lbs. After skimming through some of your previous threads I gotta say your helpless. I've posted the beginner cycle link twice in one thread and almost once in every other one. Megatron, the guy you were looking for advice from, gave you excellent advice. Now here you are 5 weeks in on a sust cycle in the same boat...

So, what can we help you with today sir???
3 j no I don't have a baseline. Tbonexl u don't have to help me with ne thing sir. Just because I'm asking for ppls opinions doesn't mean I'm gonna take 1 persons exact advise. I'm taking in all my info n deciding what's best. U can ask 10 diff ppl a question n get 10 differnt answers. So, I'm sure u have better things to do that try n talk slick to me. My bad for wasting ur time.
Your getting the same answers in every thread from the same people! I'm not trying to pick on you at all. You are setting yourself up for it though. Everybody is guided to read the beginner cycle stickys. Your no different. By not taking the advice that was generously given to you, you're going to be worse and worse as the weeks go on. More threads doesnt equal more knowledge when they're on the same subject. You need bloodwork otherwise Its a guessing game. Bottom line.
3 j no I don't have a baseline. Tbonexl u don't have to help me with ne thing sir. Just because I'm asking for ppls opinions doesn't mean I'm gonna take 1 persons exact advise. I'm taking in all my info n deciding what's best. U can ask 10 diff ppl a question n get 10 differnt answers. So, I'm sure u have better things to do that try n talk slick to me. My bad for wasting ur time.

I am mot 3j just a proud client.

The only cycle I've done was a poorly planned one of test e at 250mg EOD and tren e 250mg EOD for 12 weeks. I got the stuff from a local gym guru no AI, HCG or a PCT and no blood work. I didn't know about this site then I really wish I had.

I am now on trt secondary hyogonadism diagnosed with bloodwork and other tests. Now did it happen because of the poor cycle or age I'm 44 I don't know but I bet the poorly planned cycle had something to do with it.

You need to listen to theses guys they know their stuff been doing this for a while. If you plan on having kids you need to do what they tell you so you recover properly and hopefully won't end up on TRT any sooner than you have to if ever