If less body fat means less test turning to estrogen on cycle (I'm about 15% maybe less) would I want to run my ai at a less dose? Or maybe every 3 days instead of eod?
You would have to get bloodwork to see where your at on whatever dose your taking. Nobody could possibly answer this without bloodwork...
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U got a few threads started on all of this...
N unfortunately I didn't have blood work done, is there ne point in getting it done now 5 weeks into cycle?
I have enough to go 16 weeks, n I know I should only go 12. Rough start with knowledge, had no pct no hcg no ai. Hcg and ai I started on week four.
3 j no I don't have a baseline. Tbonexl u don't have to help me with ne thing sir. Just because I'm asking for ppls opinions doesn't mean I'm gonna take 1 persons exact advise. I'm taking in all my info n deciding what's best. U can ask 10 diff ppl a question n get 10 differnt answers. So, I'm sure u have better things to do that try n talk slick to me. My bad for wasting ur time.