Question about sarms vs oral while on trt


New member
I'm on trt...250mg every other week
I'm 6'1 225 and very fit...I've been eating well from a diet and workout plan created by 3j...
I want to use either an Oral or a sarm for 4 weeks or so.
I used m1t last year and loved the results even though it got negative reviews..
My question is...can I use it again...or should I use dbol..tbol..or a sarm...I've read mixed information on sarms.
Thank you for taking the time to read
The big thing about orals is that almost all of them are bad for your liver. If you do them, you MUST use liver support. I would use NAC and TUDCA (or UDCA) as a minimum. SARMs are not hard on the liver, that is one of the nice things about them.

I have not tried M1T yet, but I heard it is a monster, both is gains and in sides. Just be prepared if you use it.
Being on TRT, you never have to worry about PCT, which is the ONLY good thing about being on TRT. Like Old Duffer said, you can use LGD4033, the strongest SARM out there. It fully suppresses test production as its only side effect, but that is not something you even care about.

What some have done is start by increasing their test dose to double their TRT dose. Since M1T is so harsh on the body, you can only run it for a short amount of time. Start with the M1T to give yourself a good kick to start with, then shift to LGD after its short run is over to help keep the momentum going. AAS and SARMs work wonderfully together.

I have read some people get lethargy on M1T - as I said, I never tried it so I cannot say for sure. If so, grab some GW50 to alleviate that lethargy. GW50 is great for giving extra endurance, so it is perfect when run with an AAS that crushes endurance (Tren, I am looking at you!!). :)