question about stacking test e with cjc and ipam


New member
Is there a added benefit with the peps with test?? if so what benefits are there? does it eliminate some of the pcts used? also what pep is best used with test?
Pep along with AAS are very effective, it's similar at sintethic GH.. so... yes you have to do a PCT in any case.. peptides or not...

GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin with CJC1295 100/100mcg 3x ED
IGF LR3 50 mcg or PEG MGF 200mcg post workout
IGF DES 50mcg pre workout
Peps and Testosterone are a great combo, the above protocol looks pretty decent. Personally I would go up to 100mcg bilat on the DES and 2-300mcg on the ghrp or ipam.
yea currently i'm running 400mcg ipam and 150 cjc.. but what enhanced effects with test do you get thou?? like lesser chance of gyno or reduced risks or overall better results?? but i thought about doing des with the combo and the test.. but still gotta buy pcts for the test run.. but anything else you guys recommend to run that are peps that would help my first test cycle??
yea just wondering what the benefits are and if it'll help post cycle therapy (pct) or basically the post cycle therapy (pct) regime still remains the same.. i know some users use it afterwards to help ween out the muscular loss and crashing but still wondering what the actual thing that it's doing to help the cycle.. I'm assuming it would be the same as hgh but lower scaled but still dont find much info on hgh and test and the benefits of it.. or what you would gain from running both..
Think i found my answer if this pep combo works identically to hgh...

There are many different approaches to taking HGH. The right approach for your particular situation will depend on your goals. For many, HGH is a general supplement to help maintain low bodyfat percentages and reasonable levels of lean body mass. For others who have reached their genetic potential for growth, HGH is a supplement that can assist in continued growth beyond what your parents gave you to work with. For yet others, it is a supplement that is used for general health and healing of injuries. Let***8217;s look at each of these uses with respect to a reasonable HGH program.

For bodybuilders, HGH (and the igf-1 that is a result of its use) is the only substance that can actually initiate hyperplasia, which in the interest of our use in bodybuilding equates to new muscle cells. While use of anabolic steroids can cause hypertrophy (the enlargement of existing muscle cells), steroids do not offer the ability to recruit and mature more muscle cells. HGH can. HGH also increases protein synthesis, which can be responsible for hypertrophy. HGH also strengthens and heals connective tissues, cartilage, and tendons. These uses are what make it so attractive to athletes in all sports, and in bodybuilding in particular.