question about supp's?

I haven't watched the video, but I only believe in 3 or 4 supplements:
1. a vitamin
2. protein powder (if you can't get enough through diet).
3. Creatine

4. ECA stack for cutting.

There may be a few others (BCAA, Glutamine, etc) but you can spend a small fortune if you buy everything that supplement companies tell you to.
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i was watching this video - Your 12-Week Daily Video Trainer - Your 12-Week Daily Video Trainer - Tuesday, Week 3! and he names about 15 different supplements that he claims you "should" be taking, what im curious about is, is this video more along the lines of trying to market these items? and can all these supp's be good for your kidneys and liver if you was to take them all daily like he explains?

I feel that omega 3 fish oil is excellant supp. Take between 3-6grams of omega 3 a day.

Creatine is always a plus.

Protien powders are a plus if your looking to fill in the calorie and protien gaps your diet requires. Stick with Whey and Casien overall.

You also need a peri/post workout drink. This would be a malto/dextro carb mix with whey protien thrown in.

You could get more technical with that drink. Do a google search to see what is out there. Biotest makes a pretty good one called "surge recovery"
when it comes to supplements my philosophy has always been keep it simple.

1. Multivitamin
2. Protein
3. Kre-alkalyn (less water retention)

Too much is bad you dont wunna over do it or over pay. If you can get stuff for free then do it up. :biggthump