question anavar


New member
Hi! this is my first time on this site. I have some questions about anavar.

Just started a cycle( 10mg a day) is it normal that the period stops? when is it best to take it the morning ? before workout? should it be taken with food or on a empty stomach? really thankful for answer:: :)
Hi! this is my first time on this site. I have some questions about anavar.

Just started a cycle( 10mg a day) is it normal that the period stops? when is it best to take it the morning ? before workout? should it be taken with food or on a empty stomach? really thankful for answer:: :)

Welcome ! :)
you cn change your gender if you want, by going to oyour Control pannel & editing your options.

Yes anavar could stop your period, this happens to most women,
about taking it on an empty stomach,
some people say it's best, for others it upsets their stomach so they take it with food.
Try it both ways & see what works better for you, you should take it in the morning before your workout.

Just joined this site.....question about Anavar (var) . I am on my second cycle... taking 10mgs per day... I am currently splitting it into 2 doses - 1 in the am and another 8 hours later. Would it be more beneficial to just take 1 dose a few hours before my workout hence there would be more in my system for the workout? My understanding is Anavar (var) causes faster ATP replenishment during exercise therefore resulting in more endurance and strength ( and why I love it so much!)........ so is there really much benefit to having it in the system longer vs at a higher level during a workout?


How many times do you workout / day July? It does not stay in active in your system long so my opinion in taking it twice daily is a waste. I am a guy, so I take 60 mg / day but i usually take it 2-3 hours before my workout. i workout for approx 2-3 hours hard....i would suggest taking it a few hours before your workout, that way you get the full benefit of the Drug.