Question concerning EQ

For someone who has never taken a cycle, what has your vast research before you jump into one told you about using EQ by itself?

What benefits will EQ give you?

Will those benenfits improve or be the same if you add testosterone?

What side effects can you expect?

I know it sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. You should be able to answer those questions for yourself before you ever risk injecting anything into your body.
DragonRider is right... but 95% of the ppl on here will just tell you to take TEST! Test is Best. Just go read Doc J's Massive Newbie Info
Give it a shot. Some people do well on EQ alone, some dont. Youll never know if you dont try. Worst case scenario you need to grab some cialis or viagra.
What is up with these posts?? Only been on here a couple months but every 3 days there is another first-timer who don't wanna run test... is test scary?? I can't figure it out.

If you are worried about side-effects from compounds like EQ, Decca, etc... the best thing to do is run more test!!

...and I would suggest a test only cycle for your first time....
oh and read some threads for a couple days before you post the same damn thing.
TuffGuy6 said:
What is up with these posts?? Only been on here a couple months but every 3 days there is another first-timer who don't wanna run test... is test scary?? I can't figure it out.

If you are worried about side-effects from compounds like EQ, Decca, etc... the best thing to do is run more test!!

...and I would suggest a test only cycle for your first time....
oh and read some threads for a couple days before you post the same damn thing.

Sorry, but that all sounds like a bunch of regurgitated internet message board crap. Some people dont like to blow up with 15 or 20lbs of water like test makes you do. So whats the soution to that, just run more chemicals?

Run deca by itself, run EQ by itself. Who fuckin cares, its not gonna kill ya. Either youll like it or you wont.

Id just take test as a 1st cycle, imo eq is way overrated I only see good gains from it at 800-1000mgs and for like 16weeks
You can do whatever the fuck you want. I ain't stoppin ya. If you look there is thread after thread of the same shit. Read them because you are going to get the same answers again if you start a new thread. You want your wang to shut down and feel tired so you don't gain 5 lbs??? Be my guest.
DaddyD said:
Id just take test as a 1st cycle, imo eq is way overrated I only see good gains from it at 800-1000mgs and for like 16weeks
That doesn't sound right... Anything above 600mg you should start to see sides from it...

I have used EQ and think it is great!!! Best at a minimum of 12 week on up...

But as for a first cycle Lookin For Info, Test only bud!!!
DirtyD said:
That doesn't sound right... Anything above 600mg you should start to see sides from it...

I have used EQ and think it is great!!! Best at a minimum of 12 week on up...

But as for a first cycle Lookin For Info, Test only bud!!!

That was just imo from my runs with eq, Ive run it alone @500mgs for 10weeks b4 I knew any better and have run it in cycles with test @ 400mgs and once @600mgs both for 12 weeks. The only time Ive seen results like eqs profiles results claim are at 800-1g for 15-16weeks