Question for all the training forum guys.

pullinbig said:
why does it matter what someone benches GM? some guys naturally have a better bench than others while others have a better squats and deads. that has nothing to do with anything but ego.

This is true. I can bench 315, and I've been working out for less than 2 years (I started with a max of 115) and I'm all natural. My squat and dead are terrible in comparison though (in fact, my squat, dead AND bench max are all around 315). I look like one of 'those guys' that only does bench, but I don't, I just progress very slowly with squatting especially and it frustrates me
they should take the bench press out of the standard of lifting.. throughout all my training years all ive ever heard people say is oh you workout what do you bench? those are the same people that bench twice a week and dont really hit their back and legs with as much emphasis the bench press is for beach muscles.. in fact i took a year off from benching i did pushups with some bars i got at modells sporting goods and my chest was more defined and got bigger in that year.. so bench has nothing to do with strength and its more show.. when you go to a crowded gym just take a head count on all the people that benched that day.. and compare it to who squatted and did deads.. its a sad comparison.. the bench press is the poser of lifting.. it is a basic and valuable pressing movement but people just get carried aw3ay in the numbers game and go all out for bench and forget that squats and deads bring up your becnh quicker than pounding it twice a week.. so gm next time you start a thread like this ask the same latter 4 questions but make the first one max bench, dead, squat, military press, barbell curl, etc... my training partner can curl almost the same amount of weight he uses for bench.. now his bench is sad but his curl is good ...
so bench has nothing to do with strength and its more show

oops... imeant when your in a crowded gym and the people doing it are the guys that hit chest twice a week... not to mention if you do chest (correctly) you shouldnt really be able to recover quick enough to hit it again within the same week..
Golden_Muscle said:
I'm not a guy, but i'll answer anyway.

1.How much is your max bench press? raw: 170, shirted 215.
2. Don't tell me how much you weigh. ok, i won't.
3. How tall are you? about 5'6"
4. How many times a week do you train usually? 3-4 days a week. i bench twice a week.
5. How long do you train for at a time? about an hour, sometimes a little more.


answers are in bold...
hey sugar you ever thought about benching only once a week...? or do you recoer quick enough... whats your split look like... and your almost taller than me...(i feel like less of a man)
i think everyone knows if theyre worthy of answering questions. for example, i stick to asking questions because im only 155lbs. with 175 bench or so.
gottabadrash said:
hey sugar you ever thought about benching only once a week...? or do you recoer quick enough... whats your split look like... and your almost taller than me...(i feel like less of a man)

oh, well... i wish i was taller too.
i think almost all the bench routines i've done since i started powerlifting a few years ago involved benching twice a week.
here's what i do:

flat bench: 2 sets of 6 with as much as i can
1 set of 8
and i'm about to start using some boards to work my lockout.

lats, delts, traps, and sometimes biceps (ok, rarely).

Decline bench: 2 sets of 6 with as much as i can
1 set of 8

then dumbell presses, and more lats, delts, traps, and biceps (ok, not really).

i have been recovering well enough and my bench has gone up.
this time last year i had just severely dislocated my arm and spent months in rehab, but before that my best raw bench was 155, just barely. a year later and with months of recovery, its gone up 15lbs. yeah, its nothing earth shattering, but for a woman its pretty good i think.
gottabadrash said:
i agree with pullin on this one.. im a pussy when it comes to bench last attempt i was at 335 im 5'6" 187lbs..

That's an excellent weight for a guy of your size.

I hear you about the squats and deads though, personally I haven't been able to bench for a while with my shoulder so my bench is seriously lacking compared to my other lifts.

Also, some people believe that you should be benching and rowing around the same weight. This makes a lot of sense.
1.How much is your max bench press? 300 (Not a powerlifter so I've never worn a shirt, or done a cycle)
2. How much do you weigh? 220
3. How tall are you? 6' 0"
4. How many times a week do you train usually? 3
5. How long do you train for at a time? 45 min
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PowerBuilder said:
1.How much is your max bench press? 300 (Not a powerlifter so I've never worn a shirt, or done a cycle)
2. How much do you weigh? 220
3. How tall are you? 6' 0"
4. How many times a week do you train usually? 3
5. How long do you train for at a time? 45 min

i seriously doubt if many of these replies were shirted benches powerbuilder.
pullinbig said:
i seriously doubt if many of these replies were shirted benches powerbuilder.

OK, just being specific - I saw that someone else was. I also might mention that I didn't pause at my chest like they make you do at contests.
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