question for the docs


New member
I recently suffered a broken eye socket. Due to this I stopped my current cycle which was a long one that was almost done anyway, and began post cycle recovery. I am using nolvadex instead of clomid(clomid cause vision problems which isn't good in my state). My question is , does anyone know of any drug interaction between nolva and painkillers such as vicoden or morphine? I am taking the painkillers very sparingly and as prescribed by my doc but I didn't tell them about the nolvadex. Any info would be appreciated.
No interaction between opioids and Nolva to the best of my knowledge. I think you're fine; take what you need for the pain (doctor's orders!)
What narcotics WILL do is rather quickly decrease endogenous testosterone production. However, your short term use should not be a problem. Hell, you're suppressed already! And stay out of those bar-fights, my fine young bro!!
Thanks bro. I only take them at night to help me sleep. This shit sucks. I can't lift for the next two weeks. I figured I will just take a break for a couple weeks and then come back full force. Hopefully I won't need plastic surgery but I need to wait a week or so to see if my vision returns to normal before they can tell. Thanks for the quick response.
I will. Just a minor setback in life. When i get back to the gym I will have a renewed ambition. This situation has made me re-evaluate my life and my goals and made me decide where I want to be.
Wartime100 said:
I will. Just a minor setback in life. When i get back to the gym I will have a renewed ambition. This situation has made me re-evaluate my life and my goals and made me decide where I want to be.

Good positive thinking bro......

btw......did you get any licks of your own in there?
jyzza said:
Good positive thinking bro......

btw......did you get any licks of your own in there?

Nope bro. Wish I did but I honestly never saw it coming. It wasn't a fight by any means. No words were exchanged at all. It was completely outta the blue. It happened when I was totally shitfaced and was done too quickly to realize what was going on. I wasn't even sure what had happened til the next day. If it had been an actual fight I wouldn't be as pissed as I am at the moment.
Wartime100 said:
Nope bro. Wish I did but I honestly never saw it coming. It wasn't a fight by any means. No words were exchanged at all. It was completely outta the blue. It happened when I was totally shitfaced and was done too quickly to realize what was going on. I wasn't even sure what had happened til the next day. If it had been an actual fight I wouldn't be as pissed as I am at the moment.

if you know who it was, kill them. if you need help, i will kill them.

nah, dont kill them.

but seriousely, if you know who jumped you. beat the ever living holy fuck out of them. do it sperately, like beat the shit outta one day. Then, wait 2 days then tear the other one up. Doing it this way will be a major mind game :)
Wartime100 said:
Nope bro. Wish I did but I honestly never saw it coming. It wasn't a fight by any means. No words were exchanged at all. It was completely outta the blue. It happened when I was totally shitfaced and was done too quickly to realize what was going on. I wasn't even sure what had happened til the next day. If it had been an actual fight I wouldn't be as pissed as I am at the moment.

I guess I guessed right about the nature of the injury. That's the kind of stuff that used to happen to me when I was drinking. Don't know if it's really a problem for you, but quitting changed my life. (of course, I'm old, married, and out of the bar scene, so it's easy for me to say!)
I just seemed to "attract" trouble when drunk.
Those orbital fractures tend to do pretty well if there's no entrapment of the extraocular muscles and what not. Good luck, stay positive and keep me posted.