Question for Vibrant


Want to look like her!
Hi Vibrant,

I have a question for you but I don't have enough posts to PM yet. I was interested in taking advantage of labpe's combo sale, specifically the cjc1295 no dac and the Ipam. I'm trying to get my stubborn areas of fat off, namely my stomach and my inner thighs. My diet is 90-95% clean and I lift and cardio regularly. I think I hit a plateau and I want to jump start some more fat loss.

I've never taken any peptides aside from MT2 but I've heard a lot of good things about cjc/ipam combo as far as fat burning while retaining lean muscle mass is concerned. Would this combo be more effective than a good otc thermogenic? Would you recommend taking a thermo and cjc/ipam together?

How long of a cycle do most people take so I know how many vials to order? And do dosages differ for women? I'm a 38 year old female, fwiw.

BTW, love your avatar! Goal is to look like her!
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Sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner.

I actually have quite a few clients running various peps for various goals.

The cjc/ipam can be combined with a fat burner for great effect, in fact if your goal is fat loss, then thats what I'd recommend.

cycle length can be pretty long, I'd recommend at least 2-3months. you can do much longer than that. what's great about ipam is you don't really need to cycle it on and off.

Dosages do differ a little for women but only because of the weight difference. Some of my female clients take almost as much as I do.

I'd recommend you a range of 100-200mcg for ipam or other ghrps, and 100-150mcg for cjc.

For maximum fat loss, I'd recommend you dose 2-3 times a day.

When you wake up, pin the pep combo and do fasted cardio. also, you can take clen or an eca stack for even more enhanced fat burning. fasted cardio along with the peps and maybe a fat burner will give you great results.

I will pm you my email in case you have questions that you don't want to ask in the open.|High Performance|Research Chemicals|Peptides

Thanks for the info! I went ahead and ordered a 5 pack of both the Ipam and the cjc1295 from Thanks for the referral link and the discount code, btw.

I'm sure once it comes in I'll have more questions for you. Is it ok to pre-mix them into the same pin before administering or do I have to stagger the times I take them? Just seeing if I can prevent from being too much of a human pin cushion. LOL

Thanks for the info! I went ahead and ordered a 5 pack of both the Ipam and the cjc1295 from Thanks for the referral link and the discount code, btw.

I'm sure once it comes in I'll have more questions for you. Is it ok to pre-mix them into the same pin before administering or do I have to stagger the times I take them? Just seeing if I can prevent from being too much of a human pin cushion. LOL

thanks for ordering, you won't be disappointed:)

it's fine to draw up the ipam and cjc into the same pin, in fact almost everyone does it this way to reduce the amount of pinning..

keep the unmixed peps in the freezer. once mixed, keep the vials in the fridge.

So I just started today. Is this combo something I want to take 7 days a week or do I want to do a 5on/2off schedule coinciding with my workout days?

You can take 7 days on. No need to take days off with this combo. How do you like it so far?
You can take 7 days on. No need to take days off with this combo. How do you like it so far?

I don't know if its just placebo but I'm already noticing a difference with skin getting tighter and it's only my 5th day. Is this possible? I know a lot of people say that takes a few weeks or more to start noticing.

I do know I get sleepy as hell by mid-day so I've been trying to time my mid-day crash with another dose of fat burner. I sometimes get a headache and light headed. I probably have to up my calories but I'm trying to cut right now so I'm hesitant to do so even though its the probably the right thing to do. The scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks so I'm frustrated right now.
I don't know if its just placebo but I'm already noticing a difference with skin getting tighter and it's only my 5th day. Is this possible? I know a lot of people say that takes a few weeks or more to start noticing.

I do know I get sleepy as hell by mid-day so I've been trying to time my mid-day crash with another dose of fat burner. I sometimes get a headache and light headed. I probably have to up my calories but I'm trying to cut right now so I'm hesitant to do so even though its the probably the right thing to do. The scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks so I'm frustrated right now.

yes, its definitely possible to see effects almost right away.

don't worry too much about the scale. how long have you been on the routine you're on now? maybe it's time to change the training and diet up a little.