question on 3J diet.

501s finest

Training to get Big!!
anyone who has done the 3j diet. can you tell me what he means by "25g Shake" and the discovery phase diet, the 6 meals, are those to be eaten in that order? is that a 1 day meal plan, am i supposed to eat 6x a day, or is that 1 meal for 6 days or pick from the menu daily or what? If anyone could help i'd appreciate it. I guess he's been pretty busy. I'm sure someone on her eknows.
he always gets back to me quickly bro so he should clarify but depending what plan you are on there will be very specific meals 1-6 for different kinds of days and days of the week. You eat them in order (25G is small shake usually taken with breakfast... its a protein shake bro whey protein) Eat the meals IN ORDER throughout the day. one of those meals will be ONLY for POST WORKOUT so only eat that on workout days right after your training. everything else goes in order up until end of the day.
he always gets back to me quickly bro so he should clarify but depending what plan you are on there will be very specific meals 1-6 for different kinds of days and days of the week. You eat them in order (25G is small shake usually taken with breakfast... its a protein shake bro whey protein) Eat the meals IN ORDER throughout the day. one of those meals will be ONLY for POST WORKOUT so only eat that on workout days right after your training. everything else goes in order up until end of the day.

Yea he does reply fast. Today we found out my past few emails went to his junk folder. Yea after looking over the diet I figured 6u meals a day. Thanks for the reply bro.I appreciate it much.I bought a scale last night weighed this morn. 142. This is more accurate. Weighed in just boxers at home. The 151was in gym shorts at the gym. 142 was @6 wake up. After eating 3jthe breakfast 144. So im fluctuating 141-148 id say. That breakfast was a lot. Not used to eating in mornings.