Question on my next cycle


New member
Hey everyone, been awhile since I've been on here, looking for advice for next cycle. This time last year I ran a deca/test e stack. Had great results with gains, went from 168lbs to 185 lbs. After cycle only dropped to 179 and without gear an walking around at 180lbs now. Been off cycle for almost 9 months now. I am prescribed trt as I'm 33 with a test score of 305. So I do one shot every other week.

Here's my questions and concerns for next cycle. I had great gains with deca but got bad libido crash after.(test e weeks 1-12,deca weeks 1-10)I ran clomid pct, and ran test about 3 weeks after but then stopped after that (I hadn't been prescribed trt yet) I would like a good gainer like deca but don't want the libido crash after. Was thinking of running:

Weeks 1-12 Sustanon 500mg a week
Weeks 1-10 Deca 400mg a week
Clomid 4 weeks pct
Test C weeks 12+ every other week as prescribed.

By now running my trt would that help stop the libido crash so hard? Is there a better alternative to deca that would do less libido damage?

Thanks in advance for the help!
You can try using prami or caber during your cycle, it may help.
I doubt you'll have any libido issues with 400mg of deca. Low or high estrogen could have caused that problem.

As a trt patient, you don't need to do PCT at all. After your cycle, simply stop using other compounds and drop the test down to your trt dose.
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