Question on the potency of Peptides


New member
Hi, I appreciate any feedback on the following question.

Recently, I have read that some people freeze their peptides &others have said this is not necessesary. I purchased some r3 IGF-1 from labpe a number of months back and mixed one of the vials. However, due to circumstances I was only able to use it for a week(during which I noticed voracious hunger). About a month later I resumed use and have completed 3weeks so far.

I didnt notice as intense hunger the 2nd time around and have finished the 1st vial. I just mixed & started a second vial so as to complete the last week, but I don't want to waste it(assuming the peptide does degrade over time) If it were unable to be used at a later date, I would probably jack up the dosage to 100mcg a day instead of 30 & and extend it a couple more weeks...however I would prefer not to do this.

What is the general consensus as to the shelf life of IGF(once mixed with bac water, unfrozen, in my case)? I appreciate any feedback, even conjecture if your not quite sure, Thankyou!
Freeze peptides when they are recon'd? Or freeze them when they are dry? Should only freeze when they are dry state. I think J.Porkchop has stated that IGF once mixed lasts like 1-2 months or something like that. So far that has worked for me too. Hope that helps.

Take care,
Freeze peptides when they are recon'd? Or freeze them when they are dry? Should only freeze when they are dry state. I think J.Porkchop has stated that IGF once mixed lasts like 1-2 months or something like that. So far that has worked for me too. Hope that helps.

Take care,

Yep I only rec to freeze them If they are dry and IF you wont be using it for some time. if you are using it in say 4-6 months.. even dry no need to freeze.
if you got a bunch that you wil have for a couple years, then i would rec freezing them BUT keep in mind this should only be in a freezer with the thaw cycle turned off OR a deep freez ( they dont have a thaw cycle) I believe the freeze/thaw cycle will damage the peptide over time . *most all house hold freezer/fridge have this cycle on to avoid ice build up*
Some will pre-fill the pins and freeze them but I don't think thats the best way.
so keep in back of fridge once mixed and also if in power to be safe, if you are only gonna hold on to them for less then a year.
Some peps will vary in life once mixed and in fridges. I have had my MT2 last MONTHS before in fridge once mixed and have no issue. but for say igf1 id try to use it up in 1-2 months once mixed, sooner the better.
Hi, I appreciate any feedback on the following question.

Recently, I have read that some people freeze their peptides &others have said this is not necessesary. I purchased some r3 IGF-1 from labpe a number of months back and mixed one of the vials. However, due to circumstances I was only able to use it for a week(during which I noticed voracious hunger). About a month later I resumed use and have completed 3weeks so far.

I didnt notice as intense hunger the 2nd time around and have finished the 1st vial. I just mixed & started a second vial so as to complete the last week, but I don't want to waste it(assuming the peptide does degrade over time) If it were unable to be used at a later date, I would probably jack up the dosage to 100mcg a day instead of 30 & and extend it a couple more weeks...however I would prefer not to do this.

What is the general consensus as to the shelf life of IGF(once mixed with bac water, unfrozen, in my case)? I appreciate any feedback, even conjecture if your not quite sure, Thankyou!

once mixed either use it or toss it after 2 months, and always keep in fridge.
Thankyou, Porkchop. I have had some unfrozen MT2 now for nearly a year. I hope it is not damaged. I will start freezing the unused peptides now