Question on "The thermal effect of food"


New member
Need some advice.

I'm currently bulking and have spent a long time sorting out my diet and macro etc.
When ever I try to bulk I all ways get night sweats, after doing some research I think this May be down to T.E.F. I have My last meal (actually it's a shake as I usually can't stomach any more whole food by this time of the day) is usually consumed between 30-45 mins before going to bed.

So down to the matter in hand, is that last meal really as important as it's made out to be? Most of what I read is saying to consume protein before bed as it help stop muscle loss but I must be sweating out a fairly large amount of water and salts etc as I'm waking up in the night and often having to change my t-shirt as it's so damp it's uncomfortable. I guess then the main question I have here is what's more important eating before sleep or not losing all that water?

I can deal with the night sweats if that meal is going to make a real difference, I currently cope by drinking a glass of water when I get up to change my t-shirt but it would be nice to get a comfortable nights sleep (I'm still getting around 8 hours sleep a night but I'm not sure how good the quality of that sleep is)

Any ideas of what I should do would be helpful, I'm happy to change what I eat before bed if anyone thinks this would help or should I just either give up on that meal. Maybe I should man up a deal with the sweats while I bulk but I'm interested to know your thoughts.
are you running any compounds currently? I'm assuming no. From what I remember from dre's posts the number of meals in a day makes no difference to body composition... as long as your hitting your cals/macros in each 24hr peroid. You could have 1 meal a day or 20, doesn't matter.

If your bulking why would you be losing muscle mass while you sleep? lol. It's fine, just add that shake in with your second last meal ;)
Thanks for the reply. Not currently on any compounds only been training for about three years so waiting until I get to my natural potential before I think about anything else.

That was pretty much what I was hoping to hear, it will be nice to sleep without having to wake up in the night, going to add my last shake into my meal scheduled before when I was taking it now. It hard to sift the bro science from the real science sometimes so answers like this really help, thanks.