Question Regarding Acne


New member
I know that Pantothonic Acid works good to clear up the acne. is there anything else that is better then that and works well even for a person that is not on gear. Basicly what would u recomend. thanks for the info.
Accutane will work better, but it can have some nasty sides and should only be used as a last resort in extreme cases.

I've used tetracycline years ago, and to be honest, it worked magically in clearing up everything.

I now use only topical preparations, either clindamycin or benzamycin and they are extremely effective, no blemishes whatsoever. I also tan a few times per week, so that is a huge factor as well.
Man, I got this thing from an Acne doctor called "benzaclin" or (something like that) it worked AMAZING for me. Cleared me right up and believe me I was very bad. It made my shoulders dry as hell, like my skin was falling off lol, but after 3 weeks I am almost totally clear.
accutane worked amazing for me.. but it was a last resort... try the topical creams and shit and see what they do for ya first.. go to a dermatoligst and get an Rx
I'm just starting accutane, and my acne is TERRIBLE

about 2 weeks in, I'm still getting rid of some big ones leftover, havent gotten a new pimple since I started, I figure I should be clear in 2 more weeks

and that's on a low dose
very dry! but I have naturally oily skin, so the change is good for me, oily skin is annoying because I know Its giving me acne, my lips are DRY AS HELL THOUGH! it's actually calmed down as I take it longer, for the first week and a half they were cracking and bleeding, I either had to kiss my girl with dry lips, or put lip balm on and when I kissed her it was like eating pussy
yea man my lips used to bleed when i took that shit..also i took it in the summer..when i went out in the sun i would look like a damn lobster
gymcreep said:
I'm just starting accutane, and my acne is TERRIBLE

about 2 weeks in, I'm still getting rid of some big ones leftover, havent gotten a new pimple since I started, I figure I should be clear in 2 more weeks

and that's on a low dose
How old are you man. a)Try tanning b)make sure you don't wear the gymies twice the sweat on that shit will make a frog get warts. c)try to Use an exfoliant cloth with some Castile soap(liquid) cleans better than anything on the market. That accutane is some strong shit though had a client years back who's daughter .Bless her heart, was a nice girl but damm that ache made it hard to look at her. Went on the shit ,damm if she don't have 2 kids and counting now.