Question regarding peptide, help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
So I' interested in peptides and was hoping some of you experts could help me make the best decition in regards of what I want to acomplish with them.

So, I've heard that using peptides is greatly beneficial to sleep. Personally I have a lot of trouble falling asleep so I was hoping peptides would be beneficial in that regard?

Also, I heard peptide can keep fat loss down, so It would be perfect for a bulking cycle.

Upon my research, I'm considering using Mod-IGF 29 stacked with HGRP-2 maybe 200mcg daily.

Is the stacked I chose good for effects I want to achieve?

Once again, thank you very much for taking the time to educate a beginner on peptides, I really appreciate your help.
200mcg of each daily or 100mcg of each-2x/day?
You could do 200mcg each daily but 300mcg each daily split into 3 doses would be optimal IMO. AM , mid day and before bed. Avoid carbs and fats 30 mins pre or post injecting.
The combo is a nice gh inducing stck.
I meant, 100MCG each, 2 times a day, pre bed and post workout.

You think 3 times is optimal? the main problem I have with 3 times is the morning dose, after I wake up, I have to eat breakfast and get ready within 1 hr, so I can't avoid carbs and such. how would you suggest I proceed?

Would this stack give me considerable better sleep?
I meant, 100MCG each, 2 times a day, pre bed and post workout.

You think 3 times is optimal? the main problem I have with 3 times is the morning dose, after I wake up, I have to eat breakfast and get ready within 1 hr, so I can't avoid carbs and such. how would you suggest I proceed?

Would this stack give me considerable better sleep?

2 will work but yes I think 3 is optimal. Try to pin right when you get up and eat right before you leave.
It will def help with your sleep, they help my sleep considerably.
How long should I run it?

In all honesty the longer the better but with the ghrp2 you should switch off to ipamorelin after 8-12 weeks. In fact here is what I would do. If you are gonna run it longer than 12 weeks Id run mod grf and ipamorelin. If your gonna run it 12 weeks or less id run mod grf and ghrp2. The reason being ghrp2 gradually builds up prolactin, cortisol and GHIH (growwth hormone inhibiting hormone) This offsets the effects of the peps. Ipamorelin gives you less of a GH pulse BUT it doesnt impact those things allowing for longer runs that stay consistently effective.

I wish I had known earlier, I bought 10mg of GHRP-2 already. I think at 300mcg thats only 33 days, correct? Should I switch after my 2 vials are done.