question regarding thermorexin.


New member
it seems like extremely potent stuff from all the reviews im seeing but the one thing i am waiting to see is how bad the crash is post use....any insight macro or ulter on what the come down of this thermogenic is ?

Come off slow. Taper to one in the morning and you'll be fine. Some people are jumping off and on it like nothing but some crash real hard if they go cold turkey. It only lasts a day but you're absolutely trashed for that day. So why risk it?
i have no problem with the so called "crash"
i can pop a total of 5 caps a day and still sleep like a baby.
i can only tolerate one cap prior to working out, i tend to overheat and sweat too much.
i dont take it on the weekends and im fine. usually with NYC im having withdrawal headaches but with this stuff im fine
enrage said:
i have no problem with the so called "crash"
i can pop a total of 5 caps a day and still sleep like a baby.
i can only tolerate one cap prior to working out, i tend to overheat and sweat too much.
i dont take it on the weekends and im fine. usually with NYC im having withdrawal headaches but with this stuff im fine

Good info to know...I was wondering about with sweating and such, especially to working out.