Questions about hgh planning cycle


New member
I hope this is correct place for this thread. I am wanting to try hgh for atleast six months. I have a few questions though. Will it yeild benefits on its own? I dont want to add any aas at this time im trying to let my body recover from cycling. Im primarily looking for rejuvenative ecfects and to recomp/ get ripped. If this was your goal how many iu a day would you use.
I was thinking 3 iu ed mon-fri sat sun off

Also what effect does hgh have on natural secretion will body still priduce while on? If not will body reatart after discontinuation?
If you want long yevity benefits, such as better sleep, better skin, more well being/youthful feeling ?
2iu / ed.

If you want more recomp properties I'd say at least 4 iu ED, split into 2 pins.
I've ran 10iu for 2 weeks and felt amazing but water retention was a bitch around ankles so now I'm down to 4iu and feeling great but i'm running AAS now too and never ran GH on its own so my experience is limited.

I've read that body still produces during night time and thats why you want to avoid pinning before going to bed, but all of that seems to be up for debate, havent found a decisive answer
I will probably go with 4 iu day then and see how hat goes. Whats the best time for the two pins? First thing i the morning. And then when for the second one? I have read quite a bit about hgh, but was hoping someone with experience would know what happens to natural hgh levels after discontinuing hgh usage. Like pct is used after aas to help restore hormones. Is something neccisary for hgh?
I will probably go with 4 iu day then and see how hat goes. Whats the best time for the two pins? First thing i the morning. And then when for the second one? I have read quite a bit about hgh, but was hoping someone with experience would know what happens to natural hgh levels after discontinuing hgh usage. Like pct is used after aas to help restore hormones. Is something neccisary for hgh?

I've spent days trying to come up with a concrete pinning answer but there doesn't seem to be one.
Its naturally spiked and released in the body so honestly doesn't seem to matter.

You'll want to eat just after pinning because it raises bloodsugar.
So with that in mind, first pin waking up before breakfast, second pin post workout before you eat. Try to keep 6-8 hours apart. Thats what I would/will do, still not so hot on pinning twice per day since i'm running prop so its a lot of pins everyday already...

There is no PCT for GH use far as I know, it will just naturally recover is the information i've been told here.
between 4 to 6 IU for bodybuilding is whats reccomended more or less. When are you planning to start?
What are your stats, age, weight, height, bf%. any previous cycle history?