Questions about proviron me and some friends need help LIBIDO


New member
I have a few questions about it because I will start using it to help restore libido as I read that is one of the biggest reason people take proviron.

I saw many people taking it and the half say it restored and fix all the sexual problems they've got during the cycle, they used it in PCT or throught the cycle.

The other half said that it didn't do anything to them but when I looked deeper why they didn't feel anything I saw that they had very high E2. I saw some people taking it with high dose letro and also saying that didn't feel anything.

I'm sure high E2 with proviron the person will not feel the libido increase. But I'm not sure yet if low E2 can result in the same thing. So my questions are.

If a person has low E2 and start taking proviron, the proviron will prevent the natural aromatase activity?
My friend took high dosage of dostinex and now he has only 4 of prolactin and 17 of E2 and he is taking proviron but he's not feeling anything from it and he is just taking proviron. Do you guys think that he is not feeling anything because proviron is preventing the E2 to rise or even lowering it? He's taking 75mg. He has good testosterone levels like 600.

My level though are good.

Testosterone 510 (until 800)
Free testosterone 480 (until 600)
E2: 27
Prolactin: 10
SHBG: 20
DHT: 27 (from 25 until 100)

Other friend of mine had taken finasteride and got all the side effects.
His level was
Testosterone: 650
DHT 23
TSH 4.8

His TSH dropped when he took proviron and his libido returned and he is feeling normal. I'm asking it because I want to help me and other people that are suffering from low libido issues. Thank you so much.