Questions about running a tb-500 cycle (will log)


New member
I'm thinking about doing a 4 week (2x2mg) tb-500 cycle because of a shoulder injury. I have an impingement that is bothering me for almost 7 months now. I've been to several pt's, a chiro and had dry needling done. Nothing works, but low bar squatting and bench pressing with heavy weights is out of the question. Before I start I have few questions:

- are there any new insights regarding side-effects? I've read some posts and articles from 2013 regarding proliferation of cancer. But also some newer articles that it can stop cancer from spreading if anything. But I can't find any new/recent studies
- is tb500 the best option for my shoulder?
- can I name the brand I'm planning to use?
- any other tips/advice?
I did a run of tb500 and it helped significantly with a rotator cuff injury (much to my surprise I might add). The stuff really works. Are you going to be doing any type of physical therapy? For me that was one of its biggest benefits- it enabled me to better participate/perform my physical therapy. Its was like a 1-2 effect. It almost immediately helped a bit with the discomfort and then helped to accelerate the healing process. After looking into it I found out why. Apparently it has anti-inflammatory properties in addition to its effects on healing. The anti inflammatory effect allowed me to do much better in my PT, pushing harder , then it helped the healing so I recovered from my PT more quickly and it was like a snowball effect, getting better and better.
What dosing schedule are you going to follow?
I'm thinking of starting with a pt again, but because of all my previous pt's I already have a fair grasp of the exercises I should be doing.

Great it helped you out! Dosing is in the OP: 4weeks of 2x2 milligram. Is it ok to discuss the brand here? (hint: it's a country)