
New member
I made a 3rd post cycle therapy (pct) 6 weeks of 50mg clomid and daa.... I got a blood work done right after and everything was sky high..... but my nuts still not yet recovered 100% lets say like 60% which is pretty good!

I was thinking on waitin 3 months.... to let my body reach homeostasis....

Since I shut down really hard it took me like 8 months to recover doing various post cycle therapy (pct)s... Im not planning on cycling anymore.....

After those three months i was thinking on doing a natural test boosting cycle-post cycle...

1 month of hcgenerate 5 caps a day... to bring the nuts back plus gaining some weight
2 month hcgenerate 5 caps a day for two weeks and then taper down to 3 caps...and a double dose of unleashed alongside with clomid and torem, or nolva which one should work better nolva or torem?
Clomid: 50/50/25/25
Torem: 90/60/60/30
1month 5 pumps of forma
2 months 10 pumps of forma
3 month 10/5/5/3 pumps of forma

What do you guys thinks? Plus I have DAA and NEED2SLIN should i add that too?
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I'm sure yer boyz will come back if you give em time, since your not looking to cycle back on ever. If you are in a rush, I'd suggest get some real hcg and blast a couple weeks of it.