Quick question on calorie level...

Ok I have been getting conflicting information on different boards on the amount of calories I should be getting in daily while I am trying to cut.

Here are the stats:
22 years old
175.2 lbs @ probably 8-9%
6' tall

Been advised to use this formula for cutting: 10-12x my bodyweight for thr number of calories to take in a day. Then use a 45% protein, 30% carbs 25% fats ratio. So that would put me at a level of 1750-2100 calories a day. I lift 6 days a week and also sprint(pretty heavy) 3 mornings a week.

Now here is the huge question. With me trying to cut and keep my lean muscle mass, how many calories should I get a day? I just dont want to take in too few and lose muscle mass and at the same time I dont want to take in too many and gain fat. I am also about to start using yohimburn ES this week.

Please give me your expert opinions.

Thank you in advance.
There is no answer to this. Every body responds differently and burns calories differently.
You need to experiment with your diet and cardio to figure this out. You can only determine with certainty the amount of protein you need. Everything else is speculative.