R3(long) IGF-1...A good base!

The stability of a liquid solution of LR3IGF-I was monitored for a
period of two years at storage conditions of -20 C, +4 C, +22 C,
and +37 C. The final concentration of LR3IGF-I was in acetic acid.
At various time points, samples were taken and compared to a
lyophilized control (stored at 4 C). Listed below are the stability
results for each respective storage condition.

Storage Condition: -20 C (-4 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +4 C (39.2 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +22 C (71.6 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +37 C (98.6 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 1 year
Immunological Activity No Change up to 1 year
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 1 year
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 1 year

In conclusion
There is no significant difference in the potency of LR3IGF-I
associated with the storage of the liquid formulation when stored
at this range of temperatures. There is no evidence for loss of
biological activity at any of the tested temperatures when stored
as a liquid product. As you can see IGF can be quite stable for
even a year at room temp, but if you want to keep it around for a
while stick it into the fridge."

taken from the source

sorry about the fat burning stuff...i dunno
rjet said:
Can someone please address the issue of the fat buring abilities of r3 igf-1? I keep reading it is goodfor fat loss on on hand, but then read if you take too much it can cause you to gain fat. Whats the story?
I am going to be starting a cycle of r3 igf-1 shortly but can not afforf to put on any bodyfat. In fact, I ordered it to keep my body fat low and even loose a percent or 2 (Im at 8% currently) while trying to add some quality muscle...but my main concern is keeping body fat down.
Would sub-q injections be more benificial for lower abdominal fat than IM or is there much difference.
There just seems to be so much contradictory info on this fairly new substance that I hope someone can shed some light on it.
Thanks! :)
The only thing I've read that had LR3 and fat gains, was a study done with slin and LR3 together, but it was done on animals

Can someone please address the issue of the fat buring abilities of r3 igf-1? I keep reading it is goodfor fat loss on on hand, but then read if you take too much it can cause you to gain fat. Whats the story?
I am going to be starting a cycle of r3 igf-1 shortly but can not afforf to put on any bodyfat. In fact, I ordered it to keep my body fat low and even loose a percent or 2 (Im at 8% currently) while trying to add some quality muscle...but my main concern is keeping body fat down.
Would sub-q injections be more benificial for lower abdominal fat than IM or is there much difference.
There just seems to be so much contradictory info on this fairly new substance that I hope someone can shed some light on it.
Thanks! :)

IGF1R3 kinda works like slin, so if you've never taken slin you may want to be careful with IGF1 as it can drop your blood sugar levels when you don't even expect it, like the next day for example and at any time. I doubt it will put fat on you.
yes, BA degrades it. GroPep recommends a very specific acetic water for best shelf life. I think what a lot of people are doing is buying a standard bacteriostatic water and adding 1/10 of a cc white vinegar to it. that's the easiest way.
Would this work?

Add 1ml of AA, which would make the igf1 1mg/ml, then you would have a 100 unit insulin syringe which is 1ml. So, every 10 marks would be 100mcg correct? So, if you wanted say 50mcg wouldnt you just draw up 5 units on the insulin syringe?
Igf-1 helps to make your insulin more potent so. if your eating for a weight loss diet it will help but if you are consuming too many calories you will still get fat regardless. GH on the other hand was very useful with loosing the body fat. As far as usage I found it most benificial when I took half the amount before the workout and the other half after. 30 mcg and 30 mcg.