R3(long) IGF-1...A good base!

Nope, half-life of the Long version is 8 hours +, so twice a day is necessary and man the pumps are friggin fantastic. I find also that the localized pump at inject site is incredible also, so I have been rotating based on what I will be doing the next workout. It's easy with the 1/2" slin pin.
Nope, half-life of the Long version is 8 hours +, so twice a day is necessary and man the pumps are friggin fantastic. I find also that the localized pump at inject site is incredible also, so I have been rotating based on what I will be doing the next workout. It's easy with the 1/2" slin pin.
there is a newer post contridicting Lawnsavers stance that you can store a bottle outside of a refrigerator.....

Bump for a conclusive answer and any newer info that could be shared
cubanojoe said:
this article is over 2 years old. No one even mixes it with BA anymore I don't think.
You're right and you can see how much info has changed over those 2 years. Hell Ithough the half-life was 10-20 hours, boy is that wrong

r3 igf-1 and fat loss

Can someone please address the issue of the fat buring abilities of r3 igf-1? I keep reading it is goodfor fat loss on on hand, but then read if you take too much it can cause you to gain fat. Whats the story?
I am going to be starting a cycle of r3 igf-1 shortly but can not afforf to put on any bodyfat. In fact, I ordered it to keep my body fat low and even loose a percent or 2 (Im at 8% currently) while trying to add some quality muscle...but my main concern is keeping body fat down.
Would sub-q injections be more benificial for lower abdominal fat than IM or is there much difference.
There just seems to be so much contradictory info on this fairly new substance that I hope someone can shed some light on it.
Thanks! :)