racing heart/ trying to see why?


New member
First post long time researcher

I have been reading and reading for five to six years and have finally started a test prop cycle.

150 mg EOD with 12.5 mg aromasin ED.

MY stats age-30, weight-200 lbs, BF-14%

First two weeks everything felt fine then I began having a racing heart and extreme pounding in my chest. my stomach was literally jumping with each contraction and pump of my chest.

I dont smoke or drink and eat clean monday- friday. Sat and Sun I eat everything in site and usually gain about 15lbs over the weekend and lose 10 by the time I wake up monday and start back to work.

Because of my work schedule some nights I sleep 8 hours and some nights I sleep 4-6. Im on call 24hr during weekdays off on weekends.

I wanted to wait for the one month mark to get my blood work done and will be doing so this coming week.

I have always had gyno and pecan sized lumps in my nips since about 13 and everyone thinks im 20 years old even though im 30.

No problem putting on size or muscle but they always felt spongy and lacked that hard density of my lifting partners. Also no matter my diet lowest BF% I ever obtained was 10% and I lost a lot of muscle in the process.

My strength is so so and since starting my cycle my prostate has stopped hurting and my gyno has shrunk and stopped being so sensitive (a good thing)

Obviously my hormones naturally are out of balance

Now I am having real bad night sweats, big weight fluctuations from bedtime to wake time and sporadic sex drive.

Im using aromasin from a friend who mixed filler with powder and capped it. My concern is innaccurate doses between caps.

Im almost positive this is an estrogen related problem but until my blood work comes back I wont know whether its high e or low e.

Any ideas what would cause the heart pounding to start into my third week and loss of sex drive? my blood pressure stays between 125-130/60-65

I have some liquid aromasin that im gonna start after bloodwork and test again in two weeks. The only lab near me is 90 miles away so testing isnt cheap or easy.

Id like to get it under control ASAP thought this forum could shed some insight from all the other users experiences.

Definitely could be E2. Keep watching your BP. But it is hard to know if your E2 is high or low -- could be either.

Go in for blood work the next time they are open -- probably Tuesday. Don't wait. Post the results when you get them.
going in for blood work tuesday should have results by friday

was hoping for some feedback

I dont want to stop what Im currently doing so if it is low or high ill know what to change as far as dosing on the exemestane.

Seems like ive been slowly getting more and more tired and lethargic and slowly losing sex drive.

I know my gear is legit because im growing hair on my face and chest and nose and wrists and I have always lacked body hair.

I have no acne but I was thinking of lowering my dose to 6.75 mg ED. The guy I obtained my meds from said this was a bad idea and said keep everything steady and level until bloodwork comes back.

Just dont want to waste another week if I can change something now!

Strength and stamina are there but not really anymore than without AAS. Doing same routine and lifting same weight but muscle seems to go on a lot faster!

Gained 10lbs into my fourth week but not sure how much is LBM or water retention. I seem to be dryer than before I started

Guess blood work is the only solution Ill post results friday until then any input is great!
I think your buddy is right. Hold the course until you have blood work. Unfortunately many of the symptoms of Lowe E2 are the same as when your have high E2. I can't tell you how many times I thought I was high and blood work should I was really low or vice-versa.

Drink lots of water and watch your BP.