Raloxifene during cycle to combat gyno flares?


Hey guys,

I've searched on this forum how to run Raloxifene while on cycle but havent found much information on it.
Can some Vets chime in on 30mg every day? or EOD? Just to eliminate any potential gyno flares?


Also, update from my previous Ralox thread:

Gyno is pretty much gone. Nip is no longer sensitive and its down to a pin size where I can barely feel it.

Libido is fine. Not lethargic etc

Info on Raloxifine & gyno:
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.5 is an incredibly small dose. I took it on cycle to kill gyno and was taking about 60mg a day. Look up your doses again. RUI ralo is extremely effective. For me anyway
50mg per day kept mine from getting larger, and I stopped using it after 6weeks. Gyno did not change after that,but it did shrink quite a bit post cycle.
Still there in week 4 of PCT w/clomid now but I have to press to find it.
I may start ralox again in a couple weeks and see if it will diminish it completely. I doubt it though as I think once it's there it stays.
50mg per day kept mine from getting larger, and I stopped using it after 6weeks. Gyno did not change after that,but it did shrink quite a bit post cycle.
Still there in week 4 of PCT w/clomid now but I have to press to find it.
I may start ralox again in a couple weeks and see if it will diminish it completely. I doubt it though as I think once it's there it stays.

That's good to know. Thanks for the reply I appreciate it
So one year later and I'm on another cycle. Nothing too crazy, and gyno is hitting extremely hard (no pun intended)

Test 500mg/week

Weeks 1-5 no gyno - aromasin 12.5mg/day

Week 6 gyno developed. Minuscule on right nipple, but the left one is extremely puffy and has two lumps.

Week 6-7 aromasin 25mg/day split in two doses AND nolvadex 20mg/day until my RUI Ralox comes in..will be doing 60mg/day

Hcg 2x week (it always ups my estrogen and that's when/if any gyno normally appears)

I have letro in case.

Just wanted to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. I was only planning on doing a short cycle of 6-7 weeks. Would it be okay to get on ralox and then start pct in 2 weeks?

Last bit of info..I normally know if my estrogen is elevated or extremely low, because my hair sheds when this happens. My hair had a huge shed for 2-3 days as gyno developed and that's when I knew I needed more aromasin and nolvadex to help out.
Welcome back, looking forward to your logs!

Hi Milton! Not logging at all, just wanted to see what the vets think.

Been on nolvadex for about 9 days and have noticed 0 improvement on the left nipple. Still extremely puffy and lumps underneath.
Hi Milton! Not logging at all, just wanted to see what the vets think.

Been on nolvadex for about 9 days and have noticed 0 improvement on the left nipple. Still extremely puffy and lumps underneath.

So your not keeping a record of what,how much, when your doing it?
Just a heads up everyone:

This is my third week on the Ralox. All lumps are gone, and only the left side is still a tad puffy.

Next week I begin PCT but will continue with the Ralox until after Week 2 of PCT?

Huge thanks to RUI for producing quality products and I think going forward into any future cycles I may run Ralox at 30mg as a precaution?
2018 Update

Hey guys,

Thought I'd update this thread rather than post a new one because it falls under the same issue. Looking for some advice:

Gyno on right nipple has returned. For the last 6 weeks I've been trying to get rid of it. Flared up within a couple weeks and came out of nowhere! Started with Nolvadex the first couple weeks with aromasin .6mg E3D with no effect. I am not on cycle. Last one was a year ago and PCT was finished September 2017.

Week 1: gyno flared
Week 2: Nolvadex 20mg & aromasin .6mg E3D = no luck
Week 3-6: Ralox 60mg ED, no results
Week 7: Ralox 60mg ED + Aromasin 12.5mg EOD = minor change in gyno

I know people say it takes Ralox 8 weeks to fully work but in the past I only needed it for 4 weeks. I threw in the aromasin and it seems to be helping a little.

I am going to order more Ralox but I've pushed my cycle back by 8 weeks because of this issue!

Can I start cycle next week even with this small gyno flare and use protocol to get rid of it?

Lastly, stopping the aromasin. Erection quality was poor last night and no morning wood today. Hopefully it bounces back within the next 6 days?
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Pharm grade nolvadex 20mg a day for 60 days shrunk my lumps to almost completely gone.

My take away about shrinking gyno with a SERM is that it takes alot longer than people expect. It took 60 days to see any improvement and 90 days for it to be gone.

Good luck bro!
Pharm grade nolvadex 20mg a day for 60 days shrunk my lumps to almost completely gone.

My take away about shrinking gyno with a SERM is that it takes alot longer than people expect. It took 60 days to see any improvement and 90 days for it to be gone.

Good luck bro!

Thank you for the reply! :) consistency and patience!
2018 Update

Hey guys,

Thought I'd update this thread rather than post a new one because it falls under the same issue. Looking for some advice:

Gyno on right nipple has returned. For the last 6 weeks I've been trying to get rid of it. Flared up within a couple weeks and came out of nowhere! Started with Nolvadex the first couple weeks with aromasin .6mg E3D with no effect. I am not on cycle. Last one was a year ago and PCT was finished September 2017.

Week 1: gyno flared
Week 2: Nolvadex 20mg & aromasin .6mg E3D = no luck
Week 3-6: Ralox 60mg ED, no results
Week 7: Ralox 60mg ED + Aromasin 12.5mg EOD = minor change in gyno

I know people say it takes Ralox 8 weeks to fully work but in the past I only needed it for 4 weeks. I threw in the aromasin and it seems to be helping a little.

I am going to order more Ralox but I've pushed my cycle back by 8 weeks because of this issue!

Can I start cycle next week even with this small gyno flare and use protocol to get rid of it?

Lastly, stopping the aromasin. Erection quality was poor last night and no morning wood today. Hopefully it bounces back within the next 6 days?

id wait till the sides are completelty gone so you can have a comfortable cycle without any interferences and possible new side issues presenting themselves.
Blood work results + Gyno flare + Ralox

Got a gyno flare up (haven't been on cycle in almost a year) and been on Ralox for 6 weeks no luck. Also took Aromasin back on Monday got the test done yesterday (Thursday)

I went ahead and did my blood work and here are the results.

Mine are on the left, the right is the apparently normal range

Testosterone 37.1 - 8.4 - 28.8 nmol/L

Estradiol 47 - <162 pmol/L

Progesterone 0.9 - <1.7 nmol/L

Mind you this is Canada so that's all I see on the test results.

Would love to hear your feedback. From a year and a half ago, my test is up 7.1 and my estro is up 1.
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Having a hard time reading those testo values.
Did you have 37.1 nmol/l ? Because thats pretty damn high... Like ~1150 ng/dl, which is borderline not natty.
Having a hard time reading those testo values.
Did you have 37.1 nmol/l ? Because thats pretty damn high... Like ~1150 ng/dl, which is borderline not natty.

Edited it to make it more clear. Ya I am 37.1. Swear I am not on anything. Finished PCT in early September 2017.

Been on Ralox for 6 weeks. Did a week of Aromasin about 3 weeks ago. Only supplements are protein & creatine.

Blood work from a year prior (4 months post PCT) had me at 30.1 test