You may need to start PCT, I need to look into that first. Also do you have a full blood test I can see?
I will go for TT, E2 , LH , FSH and CBC soon , then I will post it up here
You may need to start PCT, I need to look into that first. Also do you have a full blood test I can see?
No, it's not super important. People just want to see your LH and FSH levels to see if you hypothalamus and/or pituitary are working properly, your total testosterone to see if your nuts are working properly (assuming you have decent LH level), and E2 to see where it lies relative to the testosterone, and if it is a problem.
Standard tests are good enough for that.
Stick with us, I can show you a couple of PCT protocols you could try on your own to see if that helps. If not you'll need to see an endo again, and maybe a different one from the guys who only wanted to try DHEA.
Well it looks like you confirmed what you already knew - low test levels, high (ish) E2 - especially compared to the low T, and it also looks like you are secondary hypogonadal with either your hypothalamus or pituitary not doing their job. With LH of 3.0 and test of 336 it looks like your balls are working, but getting a weak signal.
You are best off seeing an endo, and somebody different from before. Failing that if you want amateur advice, I would try a HPTA restart protocol. It would be fairly inexpensive, and quick to let you know if it worked or not. As we spoke about the HCG in the front part of the protocol might not be necessary, but no harm in doing it. You could try 1,000 HCG IU per day for 10 days, then clomid at 50 mg/day for six weeks plus nolva 40 mg/day for 3 weeks, then 20 mg/day for last 3 weeks.
Did you mention your body fat % above, if so I missed it. I'm curious about the high ish E2, and you mentioned gyno. If you've got high body fat it would be hugely beneficial to reduce it. It would also be good to knock the E2 down a bit, but since you are not taking any exogenous testosterone I'd be very very careful about any AI dose. A little might go a long way. You don't want to crash E2 or you'll be in a world of hurt.
Have you thought about TRT?
Seems to me like you have two choices - find a good endo and do what he says, or try to fix things yourself.
Also seems to me like you need to get yourself back into shape. You mentioned little physical activity, and gyno, and you have high E2 relative to everything else. Those things scream that you need to start working out and eat clean. Just doing that should boost your test somewhat.
The only thing I can suggest is the HPTA restart protocol described earlier. I don't see any downside to trying it, i.e. it won't make you worse, and it is pretty cheap and you'll know in less than 2 months if it worked or not. It if doesn't work your only two options then are TRT either self or doctor administered, or finding a good endo and trying to sort out your HPTA.
Regarding the adex, 0.25mg EOD would be enough for taking a cycle of 500 mg/wk test. If you take that now with low natural test production I think you would crash your E2 and end up worse off. If you want to take it at all I'd suggest 1/4 of that dose for a few weeks to knock the E2 levels down somewhat, then drop it and try that HPTA restart.
To Addy:
I'm a bit late to this thread, but some good advice so far.
Wanted to ask about your Diet, as a Poor Diet, with lots of Sugar/Wheat/Soy/Alcohol, will increase your Estradiol.
There are foods that will increase your Natty Test.
Like Whole Eggs/Olive Oil/Coconut Oil/Tuna/Salmon, just to name a few.
So this is something to take a Hard Look at.
And you definitely need to become more active.
Start Slow ~ take a Walk after you have dinner, and every week, increase the distance.
Then start doing some Body-Weight Work.
This will get you back into the Gym.............................. JP
Also, supplementing with Vitamin D and Zinc will help boost your Test.
There is no surety anything will work. Taking AI to knock down your E2 hoping it might boost TT - that might take you from an F student to a D student. Does that align with your goals?
Clomid only, I've seen some people post impressive gains in T levels from that, I have no idea if they would be of a lasting sort.
True bro , even I have got good results with 25 mg EOD with clomid . I had reached a good number of TT when I was on it . But after getting off of it I get back to where I am .
His reason of not asking me to take both adex and clomid together was that he said if taking one medicine only I.e. Adex with a low dose to control the E2 which will stop the conversion and might boost my TT then why go for two medicines .
Which i don't mind trying and if that doesn't work I can always go for clomid and adex right ? So if you think I can give just adex a try and see how it goes then I can try that ? What do you think ?
Thanks bro.