Raloxifene during cycle to combat gyno flares?

Edited it to make it more clear. Ya I am 37.1. Swear I am not on anything. Finished PCT in early September 2017.

Been on Ralox for 6 weeks. Did a week of Aromasin about 3 weeks ago. Only supplements are protein & creatine.

Blood work from a year prior (4 months post PCT) had me at 30.1 test

You should be super super happy with those levels of natural testo.
Gratz man, I envy you.

I think your estro is slightly to low(if we're talking optimal values, yours is fine as is) but JP will have to link the chart again cuz I cant find it :(
You should be super super happy with those levels of natural testo.
Gratz man, I envy you.

I think your estro is slightly to low(if we're talking optimal values, yours is fine as is) but JP will have to link the chart again cuz I cant find it :(

Really appreciate the reply thank you! Wonder what the heck caused this gyno then.. out of nowhere..
Those test levels are elevated because or SERM and AI. Redo the test in a few weeks and see your normal reading
Got a gyno flare up (haven't been on cycle in almost a year) and been on Ralox for 6 weeks no luck. Also took Aromasin back on Monday got the test done yesterday (Thursday)

I went ahead and did my blood work and here are the results.

Mine are on the left, the right is the apparently normal range

Testosterone 37.1 - 8.4 - 28.8 nmol/L

Estradiol 47 - <162 pmol/L

Progesterone 0.9 - <1.7 nmol/L

Mind you this is Canada so that's all I see on the test results.

Would love to hear your feedback. From a year and a half ago, my test is up 7.1 and my estro is up 1.

Raloxifene raises Total Testosterone, Free Test, LH & FSH, and Estradiol.
So that's why your Total Test is high.

But the Aromasin is the reason that your Estradiol is low, optimum levels go by age, will post at bottom.

Progesterone is also low, the Raloxifene is doing it's job................................. JP

To answer these questions, we can go back to a 2000 Clinical Endocrinology study where they summarized a variety of hormone levels by age, including estradiol:

20-29: 102.9 pmol/l
30-39: 94.17 pmol/l
40-49: 90.76 pmol/l
50-59: 81.02 pmol/l
60-69: 78.82 pmol/l
70-80: 80.37 pmol/l
Thanks for replies guys means a lot.

Okay that's reassuring to see the bloodwork shows Ralox is doing its job.. I sure hope it finally transfers over to this gyno because it hasn't gotten better one bit.

And thanks for posting the 2000 clinical study, makes for a good reference :)

I'll keep this thread updated when the gyno goes away
Alright guys 1 month later..

No improvement what's so ever with the Ralox. This is now week 13 of being on it.

I'm going to finish this bottle of Ralox then change to Nolva. No offence to RUI because their quality has never proved me wrong in the past, but, im beginning to lose faith here...

Any suggestions?
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Alright guys 1 month later..

No improvement what's so ever with the Ralox. This is now week 13 of being on it.

I'm going to finish this bottle of Ralox then change to Nolva. No offence to RUI because their quality has never proved me wrong in the past, but, im beginning to lose faith here...

Any suggestions?

You should contact RUI directly if your Ralox is not doing the job. Why not switch to letrozole? Should do you better.
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Alright guys 1 month later..

No improvement what's so ever with the Ralox. This is now week 13 of being on it.

I'm going to finish this bottle of Ralox then change to Nolva. No offence to RUI because their quality has never proved me wrong in the past, but, im beginning to lose faith here...

Any suggestions?

Shrinking gyno with a SERM or AI is never a guarantee. You may require surgery.
Nolvadex should be good for you, how much are you going to dose and for how long?

For the last three days I have doubled my Ralox dose and the sensitivity in my nipple is now gone. Lump is still there but seems to be slightly smaller?

Once this bottle is done (in about 2 weeks at double dose) I will be doing nolva at 40mg first week then 20mg the rest.

Currently on 3,000 iu vitamin d and 1g calcium daily to help with Ralox.

Shrinking gyno with a SERM or AI is never a guarantee. You may require surgery.

It's worked twice in the past! Hopefully for a third. I'm aware
For the last three days I have doubled my Ralox dose and the sensitivity in my nipple is now gone. Lump is still there but seems to be slightly smaller?

Once this bottle is done (in about 2 weeks at double dose) I will be doing nolva at 40mg first week then 20mg the rest.

Currently on 3,000 iu vitamin d and 1g calcium daily to help with Ralox.

It's worked twice in the past! Hopefully for a third. I'm aware

That is good to hear, awesome! hope it keeps getting better.
Re: Canadian blood work
I live in Canada as well and you can get any type of blood work done, your dr just needs to order it... most General P. have no clue what tests you need so they just order what they are familiar with.
This is what I did;
Go to your doctor with a list of everything you wanted tested, tell them your bring those results to a natural path.
Do not tell them your in gear, I made that mistake once, he refused to see me anymore and was very difficult to deal with once he knew, I changed dr and went with the natural path story.
Re: Canadian blood work
Do not tell them your in gear, I made that mistake once, he refused to see me anymore and was very difficult to deal with once he knew, I changed dr and went with the natural path story.

I've heard before to never admit to a doctor, and I won't. Thanks for the advice.

Okay so it is now August 1st. I have been doubling my dosage and it has appeared to be working (somewhat) but my progress has stalled. The nipple isn't as sensitive but hasn't reduced in size at all.

On top of that my erection quality is absolutely terrible for the last 5 days. Could it be from the Ralox? Or maybe I've just been tired. (Barely any morning wood).

Calling it quits. Been at this for 13+ weeks.

Maybe give my body a break for August and begin Nolva 40mg then 20mg in September. I was enjoying the libido boost but now that my guy ain't functioning as before im getting worried. Would high test cause a higher estrogen spike resulting in erection quality?

Still have no idea what caused this gyno to pop up this winter 2018. Last completed PCT was September 2017. Have not been on anything since.

Any advice or guidance would be helpful.
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Update: August 14th

Been off the Ralox for 2 weeks. Gyno is back with the vengeance and even more so than before! Blood tests came back my estrogen was fine as with progesterone.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong here guys? The lump actually portrudes now! I am not on cycle. Haven't been in a year!
Update: August 14th

Been off the Ralox for 2 weeks. Gyno is back with the vengeance and even more so than before! Blood tests came back my estrogen was fine as with progesterone.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong here guys? The lump actually portrudes now! I am not on cycle. Haven't been in a year!

You could share your numbers of your blood test so we can see whats going on.
Update: August 14th

Been off the Ralox for 2 weeks. Gyno is back with the vengeance and even more so than before! Blood tests came back my estrogen was fine as with progesterone.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong here guys? The lump actually portrudes now! I am not on cycle. Haven't been in a year!
Which panel did you get done?
Update: August 14th

Been off the Ralox for 2 weeks. Gyno is back with the vengeance and even more so than before! Blood tests came back my estrogen was fine as with progesterone.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong here guys? The lump actually portrudes now! I am not on cycle. Haven't been in a year!
hows the gyno doing? what sides are the worst?
Which panel did you get done?

hows the gyno doing? what sides are the worst?

I went ahead and did my blood work and here are the results.

Mine are on the left, the right is the apparently normal range

Testosterone 37.1 - 8.4 - 28.8 nmol/L

Estradiol 47 - <162 pmol/L

Progesterone 0.9 - <1.7 nmol/L

Mind you this is Canada so that's all I see on the test results.

Test results were posted on the first page with the Ralox. Worst side effects of gyno is the sore-sensitivity, puffyness and the lump.