Rate My 1st Cycle, Any Changes That I Should Make?


New member
Age: 24
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180

Have been weight training for 8 years now all natural with the exception of 1 pro hormone (Dumb move) about 1 year ago.

Week 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total)

Week 1-12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days
(500 iu/week total)

Week 1-14: Arimidex @ 0.25mg every other day
(From day 2 up until PCT starts)

14 days after last Testosterone Enanthate injection, start PCT.

PCT: BOTH Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and
Clomiphene (Clomid) to be taken daily

Clomid: @75/50/50/50 mg
Nolvadex: @40/20/20/20 mg

4 week total PCT run, above number corresponds to one of the four weeks. Example: week one of PCT has 75 Clomid and 40 Nolvadex each day until week two where it switches to 50 and 20

Liver Care: 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.

Gyno reversal compound: Raloxifene @ 60 mg daily until gyno is gone.

Any advice is greatly appreciated and thanks again to everyone that replies.
U got a pic ? Ur young but I ll help u out if no one else does...what ur proposing is about right...
whats your goal of your cycle looks like you have a great base to work with

My goal is to just overall push my body into another level of being in great shape, while adding some pounds. Around 10 would be amazing. I have done so much research before jumping into this and like to think I am not one of those people that goes into it blindly and then posts on forums annoying the VETS lol. I understand that I will lose some of the weight after cycling off and just want to test the waters with Test E because it is one of those things I have always wondered about and that feeling won't ever go away. Thanks for the feedback!
U got a pic ? Ur young but I ll help u out if no one else does...what ur proposing is about right...

Thanks for the reply, I don't have any pics right now but I will take some later on. I am definitely not fat and have done a lot of research and have seen I shouldn't start unless I am less than 15% body fat or so and now I feel that I am ready.
Sounds good man. Seems like you have done some research. If you have been training consistently like you said 5'10" and 180lbs. well as said you have a good base. If your BF% is 15% or below that's great. I can't help you with Diet but others can and will. Like a guy on here 3j.

You said you have Ralox for Gyno. Do you have some Gyno or is this just in case? Test at that dose will cause some Estradiol sides but it's not very high to give you complications. Your AI should take care of them. Make sure you are familiar with all the sides of High n Low Estrogen. Good luck :wavey:
Sounds good man. Seems like you have done some research. If you have been training consistently like you said 5'10" and 180lbs. well as said you have a good base. If your BF% is 15% or below that's great. I can't help you with Diet but others can and will. Like a guy on here 3j.

You said you have Ralox for Gyno. Do you have some Gyno or is this just in case? Test at that dose will cause some Estradiol sides but it's not very high to give you complications. Your AI should take care of them. Make sure you are familiar with all the sides of High n Low Estrogen. Good luck :wavey:

Thanks for the feedback bro. The reason I was planning on bringing the Ralox along was because when I foolishly did the Pro Hormone cycle about one year ago, I felt a small lump under the nip form. It kinda just went away on its own luckily but I guess I have it just in case. Should I only use it if I feel tenderness or a lump form?

Anyway, I will go brush up on all the possible Estradiol sides now. What would be the best thing to do if the AI I am going to take doesn't fix it all? Maybe increase dose or try another AI?
So I will say part your almost old enough. I grew an inch between 24-25. 5'10 is short here most of the high school girls are taller than that. Have you stopped growing? steroids will end that.

I also think you should wait till you break 200. the truth is if you haven't broken 200 putting on muscle you probably haven't figured out how to train or eat properly. If you can gain off steroids you would keep anything you put on when on. Truth its 80% diet. It's not just calories and protein. It really hard to eat full time every 2.5 hrs in the quantities you need to for 8 week.

Posting on forums and pissing off the vets is exactly what you should be doing. Spend 6 months training with a professional diet program and you will surpass your goals by far and you will keep your gains. Spend your money on a diet consultant and food.
Wow, First time I think I've seen a guy that never ran gear have his entire protocol basically spot on.

Looks good tbh. I don't think u need NAC on test E, I'd be more concerned on BP if u don't dose ur adex right. Which can be fixed with 5-6g Fish oils, More adex to remove water retention, celery seed, beet root caps.

But, if u want liver care either way, 1.2g is best bet on NAC. It's used in the ER btw for alcoholics.
Wow, First time I think I've seen a guy that never ran gear have his entire protocol basically spot on.

Looks good tbh. I don't think u need NAC on test E, I'd be more concerned on BP if u don't dose ur adex right. Which can be fixed with 5-6g Fish oils, More adex to remove water retention, celery seed, beet root caps.

But, if u want liver care either way, 1.2g is best bet on NAC. It's used in the ER btw for alcoholics.

Ok, so if I decide to go with this liver care I should double the dosage?

Also one more question for anyone out there, should I be looking into a different gyno reversal compound such as Letrozole? Any advice on this or the other? Thanks much.
Get the blood work and monitor your Estradiol. Then as I said get really acquainted with those sides of high n low e2. Pay close attention to how you feel each day. Read Austenite's sticky article on Estrogen and Prolactin. Know your appetite and energy levels , and not one day like 4-5 days in a row. If you feel that things are going somewhat south up your AI very prudently. Get on here and talk about it. keep us posted we all can help.

As far as Gyno reversal protocol has changed over a few years and others can help. Read up ! Good Luck