rate my body fat $

Thats pretty impossible. I mean people can guess, but the only way you will know is if you get it read. I know people that look leaner than you but have a higher bodyfat percentage, and vice versa.

What are the glutes and hamstring area looking like? Bodyfat is your whole body. We are going to have to see more than just your abs. When your glutes are flexed and there is no roll under your ham/glute area, than your spot on in my book. I know this isn't a surefire way to tell because some people do have weak areas, but its still a good indicator.
there is no fat and plenty of veins coming out of my legs. i was tested with calipers and carried the most of my body fat on my back for some reason. other competitive bodybuilders have seen me and told me that i was around 6 %
..plus i can see why some of you might have said about 8%. these pics were taken with my camera phone and ill admit that they do smooth the picture out quite a bit. ill try to post some from a digital cam to compare..
budd_2040 said:
there is no fat and plenty of veins coming out of my legs. i was tested with calipers and carried the most of my body fat on my back for some reason. other competitive bodybuilders have seen me and told me that i was around 6 %

what did the calipers say?
I think the lighting in the picture flattened you out. 10% probably though, taking that into consideration. We always underestimate ourselves I think, and that scares me persoanally, lol.
thanks parrish..ya to be honest, if the picture was more clear and i had any type of pump (since this was right in the morning before eating anything) i think most of the opinions would be different. this is natural by the way being that im only taking ephedrine and keeping a really clean, consistent diet. ill try to get clearer pics up soon to get a better determination.
well i started at about 210lbs 13% and ever since i saw the movie
"amityville horror" and "blade 3" it inspired me ever since (yes i know, keep laughing guys :)..) so ive kept my diet the same and strict ever since, cheating on both saturday and sunday now just to maintain the weight im at because i dont want to drop much below 180 (ive been able to cut out all cardio now as well whereas before i was doing about 45 min everyday). i appreciate all of you voicing your opinions and like i said i should have some sharper pics up really soon.