Eating mostly plants is extremely underrated. Sometimes a person switches to a mostly plant based diet, and it absolutey revolutionises their health. For the most part, raw is best, though. There are some people out there who still insist that cooked is better, but that's just a clear sign that they're not into research, and that they haven't tried a well balanced, mostly raw diet themselves. And that's the bottom line. While a 100% raw diet isn't right for most people in 2010, a mostly raw, plant based diets not only makes people feel better than they ever have, but it also tends to have a sick effect on results in the gym. I eat mostly raw foods nowadays, and couldn't even begin to think about switching to anything else. I didn't even know how crap I felt until I started eating like this and started feeling the way you're supposed to feel. It's brilliant, the results are for real, and that's why the numbers of raw food eaters are exploding right now.