recent pic, wondering my current bf

Here's a teaser for your gf 49er

was in the feelbad4matt crew originally, just joined the matt looks like bag of diks and acts like smelly kent crew. wtf are you doing talking about someones girl because your butt is really hurt about your bf? take the criticism and come back stronger if you want to prove something to somebody, you aren't going to argue people in to saying you look good...
Thx guys dont worry the girlfriend comments dont faze me one bit, if youd only knew the jokes she comes up with especially his "creeper face" its hilarious.
was in the feelbad4matt crew originally, just joined the matt looks like bag of diks and acts like smelly kent crew. wtf are you doing talking about someones girl because your butt is really hurt about your bf? take the criticism and come back stronger if you want to prove something to somebody, you aren't going to argue people in to saying you look good...

yup.. i tried to hold out too

everybody here be honest - wether you have a reason to dislike matt or not - you can look at that guy and tell he's an asshole.

i tried so hard, really made an effort

then the comments about a woman? you're going to fuck with someone by talking shit about a WOMAN?

i signed on.

if god didn't want me to hate you - he wouldn't have made you so easy to hate.

fuck you matt
Ok ok lets get serious now.... i know nobody actually checked because its not important but i do! He was so desperate he photo shopped his pics on his phone to give the appearance hes bigger. Take a close look at how unnatural his pic blends into the background almost like it was placed there.... and the one hes flexing you can tell he expanded his tri a little, back to the front pic look at how his pecs are stretched long ways!View attachment 561867View attachment 561868
I would feel bad for Matt because everyone keeps making fun of him, but he brought this BS on him self. U can't be boosting like your the best and trolling people who are bigger than you and expect to get away with it.

Matt, the guy who posted a while back that something is seriously wrong.. is dang correct. U need to fix everything up cause the changes u made in 3 years are pretty upsetting and I'm just about positive that every 1 on this thread agrees with this.
All im saying is if your gonna call people fat ass and tell them they eat like shit and dont know anything about bodybuilding you better have a fucken impressive body to back up all the shit you say. I dont make fun of people but if your an asshole and have flaws im gonna call you on it.
All im saying is if your gonna call people fat ass and tell them they eat like shit and dont know anything about bodybuilding you better have a fucken impressive body to back up all the shit you say. I dont make fun of people but if your an asshole and have flaws im gonna call you on it.
Lmao it's not photo shoped one bit, it's called dif lighting, dif settings dumbass, and I don't care if u call me fat one bit I am on a cut once again u dumb fuck, like I said like last year I will post up a month later and be ripped once again, unlike your silly ass, funny people comment there bs comments meanwhile ummmmm like Charles Bronson, hey he looks good now but weighs 190lbs on juice? Obviously not knocking your shit bro but some people on here think they have all this muscle learking out on themselves but I don't see it in my eyes especially the ones hitting the iron for a long ass time and been juicing for 10 years plus and still weight 190lbs at 5'10?
So how did your pec get so long? Lmao you stretched that motherfucker and you know it dont make me download an app and show everyone. Your pec is stretched down its so obvious mr bodybuilder
It's funny how 49er is probs friends with all these dudes on here
People talk alot of shit on here, they have never dieted down to a low bf percentage like myself nor bulk the fuck up, when u are eating 5000 cals a day ofcourse u are gonna gain some fat along with muscle, people that say I haven't put on any size or changed one bit in 3 years are fuckin retarded and not impressed with all the wasted years they have spent in the gym haha, u say u ate fuckin rice and whatever else 49er and couldn't afford to eat good but u could afford the juice huh haha your fucked bro
Try maybe eating 500 cals below your maitanence and go from there, u got a wacked of fat to chop off, myself loosing fat ed bro
Won't be long brother
No im a member at private boards and when someone needs help we help eachother out i was funded the whole way through. 1 bottle of test can last me 15 weeks, tren at 50mg eod not too much when you have friends.

So how did your pec get so long? Lmao you stretched that motherfucker and you know it dont make me download an app and show everyone. Your pec is stretched down its so obvious mr bodybuilder
Stretched huh lmao, it's called dif lighting, dif setting, as what some people do on here except I didn't know we lived in a black and white Era still like all clnmans pics
Try maybe eating 500 cals below your maitanence and go from there, u got a wacked of fat to chop off, myself loosing fat ed bro
Won't be long brother

See what good tren does? I eat burgers fries burritos as well as my healthy shit never dieted down and have a leaner upper body, leaner and bigger legs, leaner back wtf is going on with you?
No im a member at private boards and when someone needs help we help eachother out i was funded the whole way through. 1 bottle of test can last me 15 weeks, tren at 50mg eod not too much when you have friends.


It's called taping my phone to a wall, 5 sec timer on the bitch and bam a picture bro, but my frame cannot fit in the whole picture brother