Lmao it's not photo shoped one bit, it's called dif lighting, dif settings dumbass, and I don't care if u call me fat one bit I am on a cut once again u dumb fuck, like I said like last year I will post up a month later and be ripped once again, unlike your silly ass, funny people comment there bs comments meanwhile ummmmm like Charles Bronson, hey he looks good now but weighs 190lbs on juice? Obviously not knocking your shit bro but some people on here think they have all this muscle learking out on themselves but I don't see it in my eyes especially the ones hitting the iron for a long ass time and been juicing for 10 years plus and still weight 190lbs at 5'10?
wow man.
i really made a fucking effort here. really did
thats funny. 190 lbs,
hey you fucking idiot - have any idea what a " weight division" means?
ill have to straighten you out right quick.
im a trt guy for the last 3 years, with five ' light to moderate' cycles under his belt.
i ran a moderate " blast" 300 mg tren ace/ test ace and lifted weights for 16 weeks over the winter holidays while i wasn't in the boxing gym.. and put on almost 20 lb without ever going over 15% body fat
16 weeks matt. not even my sport. a total NOOB to weights.
i train for something called " athletics"
not "aesthetics"
i have a sports specific physique , functional strength.
and would kick a fucking hole in you. k?
I've tried not to hate your guts, really have
your attitude and comments.. i mean wtf!!!!
the whole time, I'm like something is wrong with this guys training/ diet/ gear/ genetics?
and trying to not dislike you.
when you talk shit about other people , was hard not to really dislike you. when you talked smack about a woman?
its like yea.. this guys a douchbag.
you look like a bag of crushed assholes for a guy that blasted juice for years and does nothing but train and 'diet'
`````for fucking AESTHETICS !!! ``````
you spent three years on it now.
ill hang up my gloves in august and grab some weights - ill fly right the fuck by you in 6 months time.
lets see your back and your wheels?
ill put my non lifting 190 lb ass up against your juiced up wiehgt lifting creatine guzzling juice monkey ass.