recent pic, wondering my current bf

I don't have to prove myself anymore I will.prove myself and shit up again once I am totally chop, I cut at 230lbs, and now sitting at 218lbs today, not to much longer maybe another 4 weeks, and with.masteron this week it's gonna even better :)
Matt what are you using to control that gyno? Its getting pretty bad. When you "chop" "brah" its gonna show real bad. "Bro"
I don't have to prove myself anymore I will.prove myself and shit up again once I am totally chop, I cut at 230lbs, and now sitting at 218lbs today, not to much longer maybe another 4 weeks, and with.masteron this week it's gonna even better :)


Look bro, go get your self the following and run it, go eat everything you want just make sure that includes 300gm of protein in it, Test, Tren, NPP, Mast, Anadrol and run a high dose blast after cruising for a bit legitmately and run them at decent doses.
If that doesn't make you grow, this means you suck balls at dieting and training and you therefore need to sharpen up with that because your doing it wrong.

Look bro, go get your self the following and run it, go eat everything you want just make sure that includes 300gm of protein in it, Test, Tren, NPP, Mast, Anadrol and run a high dose blast after cruising for a bit legitmately and run them at decent doses.
If that doesn't make you grow, this means you suck balls at dieting and training and you therefore need to sharpen up with that because your doing it wrong.
Lmao, pic staunch? Big guy
U know your aas like a dictionary, who fuckin cares about that bro
Back your shit up.and post a pic up since u are a aas monster lmao
Fuckin talk, your a 19 year old kid that says one year got his trt together just cruising on that, 6 months later now trying to cruise on 1g of test a week haha
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Staunch we already said he doesnt know how to train. His first time in the gym he was on gear. He doesnt know proper body mechanics, he doesnt know hypertrophy theories like time under tension etc. His form is horrible. He probly looks retarded as fuck when hes in the gym. What he needs is a good trainer. Do we need to bring back the vid of him "squatting" 495 on the smith machine. If he doesnt know how to perform a squat properly, imagine all the other exercises that he is doing wrong.
U wanted to cruise on 1000mg/week for a year lmao, and lasted what a month?.and u didn't even get up to that dose as your gyno tities started.flaring up
Maybe thats the reason he has no triceps, no biceps, no chest, and no lats. Entire posterior chain is probably neglected. The only thing somewhat decent is his delts, but any monkey can figure out how to makes delts grow.
Staunch we already said he doesnt know how to train. His first time in the gym he was on gear. He doesnt know proper body mechanics, he doesnt know hypertrophy theories like time under tension etc. His form is horrible. He probly looks retarded as fuck when hes in the gym. What he needs is a good trainer. Do we need to bring back the vid of him "squatting" 495 on the smith machine. If he doesnt know how to perform a squat properly, imagine all the other exercises that he is doing wrong.
Again bro u live and learn from your.mistakes, take strides to better yourself, find dif theory's ect, that was 2 years ago? A year career as.I am.sure when u started.lifting u were a pro and knew everything too right haha bs
I honestly don't care, 2 years ago now, look at my physique yours, it.shows,.yours.doesnt
I actually take proper strides to physique, I went with 3j for starters.for.dieting, I train.differently,.and it shows.bro
Keep.eating your pizza, cause obviously your to stubborn to realize your diet isn't working for u other then adding more fat to the 30 plus bodyfat or.more.u already got.on your frame haha
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Chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop
bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro
"i can care less what i look like in the off season"
Maybe you"ll realize u just can't keep bulking all year round lmao, well u can but u are gonna keep getting fatter, u are not a bb by all means but a Pl motive, your diet approach is Pl style, bb bulk, but also maintain and cut bro not bulk all year round.and I haven't heard of a bb dieting on pizza, burrito's ed either, maybe every once in awhile they'll cheat but it's Def not in there diet resume everyday