You don't own me I own u
You know what matt, I'm starting to see why u were once starvation mode looking and now super fat with an ego. 3J must have given up half way through the process..
Shame, not even he could help u.
Can I ask u what the fuck is your profile pic all about? U a stripper bro?You know what matt, I'm starting to see why u were once starvation mode looking and now super fat with an ego. 3J must have given up half way through the process..
Shame, not even he could help u.
Can I ask u what the fuck is your profile pic all about? U a stripper bro?
gooootttt daaayummmmmm!
i love her..
i mean, in a totally appropriate she's my bro's woman and I'm like her brother..
you know , the guero
her really handsome white brother that all her friends call "el guapo "
she's hot.
ill say it so Matthew doesn't have to - you win
game over , thanks for playin'
No sir, but it's a body u wouldn't achieve in your life cause u born with some super low end genetics, I bet your parents are proud.
Edit: I don't usually troll too but ur pushing it with ur thread.
It draws in the crowd sponsors love it
Like Mayweather, same shit, same deal bra
As for u staunch your 19 years old bro, u keep talking smack about how good u look but never once posted up a pic, atleast if u are gonna talk smuck and say your physique is better then.mine post a fuckin pic up, the 19 year old kid that tells everyone he is on trt for dif reasons, 4 months later he is cruising on 1000mg/week, how'd that work out for u big guy haha