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Tough to say, get a DEXA scan, that's really the only way to know. I was way higher BF % than I thought, DEXA measures visceral fat too which you can't determine by looking in the mirror.
There is no way your steroids are real. No fucking way in hell. Even someone who eats shitty as fuck and doesnt take any gear could look 10× better than these pics you posted. You should take them down, you are embarrassing yourself. There is no eat what you say you eat....train the way you say you train....and gear the way you say you gear....and look this shitty. CMON MANHere's another one
There is no way your steroids are real. No fucking way in hell. Even someone who eats shitty as fuck and doesnt take any gear could look 10× better than these pics you posted. You should take them down, you are embarrassing yourself. There is no eat what you say you eat....train the way you say you train....and gear the way you say you gear....and look this shitty. CMON MAN
View attachment 561784
I don't know about you but I'm around 11% maybe 10.....
View attachment 561787
We can just use this one.
You look like smeagle took trenOkay I'll use these bro, again I am in between, currently on a cut so I will once again look my best but here ya go, hands down I beat u on stage bra