Recommendation for my first ProHormone


New member
What's up guys, i wanna get some advice from this forum before i take my first PH. I've been lifting weights for about 5 years i'm 23 years old and my weight right now is 205lbs, height is 6'2". was looking in to take Superdrol or M-Drol but doing some reading and it's harsh and rough for a beginner to PH's like myself. Is HDrol a better option for me? I want more options and opinions for a guy my size and me being a starter to PH's. I've only taken regular supplements like whey protein, creatine, and an n.o. product but i'm looking for something to give me more gains, make my muscles feel denser/harder. What can you guys recommend me to take from your past experiences? any help so i'm on the right track is appreciated thanks a bunch
Well at your size your not bad but really not too good either. What would be ideal is for you to go over to the diet section in here and post up. Also you might want to get some help on your workouts.

But you most likely are dead set in that you wanna try PHs and thats understandable.
I really like Dieselbolan, Beastradol and Katana by our sponser NTBM.
They do exactly what they say they will as long as you do your part. They are an excellent product with a 100% customer service too.
So click on the NTBM banner on here and check it out. Good luck.
I think H-drol wouldn't be a bad idea to get your feet wet. As long as your eating right and training right you would see some decent gains from it since it is your first PH cycle.
i recommend you run test instead of a prohormone

I do agree with this more though.
I just understand how at first some guys are scared of it...either of the needles or the possible sides they read about.

Me on the other hand...I happen to enjoy when I pin :)
Well at your size your not bad but really not too good either. What would be ideal is for you to go over to the diet section in here and post up. Also you might want to get some help on your workouts.

But you most likely are dead set in that you wanna try PHs and thats understandable.
I really like Dieselbolan, Beastradol and Katana by our sponser NTBM.
They do exactly what they say they will as long as you do your part. They are an excellent product with a 100% customer service too.
So click on the NTBM banner on here and check it out. Good luck.

Well man i know i'm only 23 and a bit stubborn but i've been pretty much stalled in my current weight and i've done pretty much everything, read alot of articles here and there, books, tried tons of approaches to training/intensity/weight and modified my diet and no luck for a year and a half now. Are there any sides to the products you mentioned? And is Beastradol the same as Beastdrol? If so, isn't that like really hardcore? reading and people seem to report alot of sides but it being a superdrol the gains are good yet you can't keep much of it, that true? thanks for the reply.
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I think H-drol wouldn't be a bad idea to get your feet wet. As long as your eating right and training right you would see some decent gains from it since it is your first PH cycle.

what h-drol do you recommend? how well did it work for you when you first used it?
This. Hell, if you're afraid of needles, go the transdermal route. Pick up some raw test powder (easy to find) and mix it with Topical Solution - Make your own transdermal formula

If you are looking for a legal alternative, you can always check out the Androseries. They are non-toxic and low on the sides, thus beginner friendly.

haha, i find it tough inyecting myself to be honest i don't know if i'm ready for it but i don't mind needles. Inyectable test is a complete different story than an oral PH? And i read about the Andro products, how are they? compared to other PH's. while i was reading about each one it's a really interesting product to be honest
By the way, my main goal right now is just this; gaining a bit of muscle (nothing dramatic), as for the muscle and body composition i have right now i want it to be denser, harder and a tighter feel to it aswell as more vascularity. i know this comes with having a top notch diet aswell, which i have no problem adjusting and such
Yes bro they are the real deal and yes all of the NTBM PHs do have sides. And yes you will need to do a post cycle therapy (pct) with them. But bro they are a pretty dam good way to get your feet wet in this game too.
They are not nearly as bad as you might think. I would really suggest that you seriously read the info on each of them.
If you can bring yourself to pin, then the most beneficial way to do it would be to run some test with any of them.
Good luck bro.

Well man i know i'm only 23 and a bit stubborn but i've been pretty much stalled in my current weight and i've done pretty much everything, read alot of articles here and there, books, tried tons of approaches to training/intensity/weight and modified my diet and no luck for a year and a half now. Are there any sides to the products you mentioned? And is Beastradol the same as Beastdrol? If so, isn't that like really hardcore? reading and people seem to report alot of sides but it being a superdrol the gains are good yet you can't keep much of it, that true? thanks for the reply.
P-Mag, H-drol, Androhard, some furuza clone (not economical thought). Just keep it short and well planned out.

What was your experience like while taking H-drol (if you took it that is).. i'm wanting to go ahead and run Andro lean and hard together read on it and sounds really good or Andro hard and katana, would this be proper?
all really good light options here

one bit of advice, what ever you do, make sure your post cycle therapy (pct) is right man

iv questioned form as post cycle therapy (pct) form the second it was pushed here, and i just read about a guy, using one of the sponsors advised post cycle therapy (pct) options, a form product, and his bloods were awful, and the poor guy had torem in hand but bought into the crap

if you go with primordial and andro, or need2 and katana.....GO WITH RUI AND USE TOREMEFINE!!!!!!!
What was your experience like while taking H-drol (if you took it that is).. i'm wanting to go ahead and run Andro lean and hard together read on it and sounds really good or Andro hard and katana, would this be proper?

Well, I've taken P-Mag (which is nearly identical to Hdrol, just slightly more bulking oriented). It was smooth as silk. H-drol is leans more towards a cutting/recomp cycle, which if you are considering andro-lean may be what you are after. I've also taken Katanadrol. I cut the cycle early so I can't speak on how well it performed. It was when the whole quality control issues came out about some RLS/Needto pro-hormones. Nate assured everything was fine, but I would rather play it safe to be sure.

I've obviously never taken andro-hard/lean (as most haven't), but I've seen some pics of a log and the results were pretty impressive.

Let us know what you decide on.
all really good light options here

one bit of advice, what ever you do, make sure your pct is right man

iv questioned form as pct form the second it was pushed here, and i just read about a guy, using one of the sponsors advised pct options, a form product, and his bloods were awful, and the poor guy had torem in hand but bought into the crap

if you go with primordial and andro, or need2 and katana.....GO WITH RUI AND USE TOREMEFINE!!!!!!!

speaking of PCT man, i want to know more, what if you don't take a PCT? There was this one guy at my gym, about 6'1" and his weight hovered around 190-197lbs with BF at 11% or 12%. He would take superdrol all year long or so his friends and brother said, orally, but i'm positive the guy doesn't even have a PCT and i even mentioned it to him and he was clueless so that mean his liver is all turned to shit now? I would always be like hey man you take any steroids or PH's and he'd be like nah man and the bottle of superdrol was so obvious right next to his shaker bottle haha
Well, I've taken P-Mag (which is nearly identical to Hdrol, just slightly more bulking oriented). It was smooth as silk. H-drol is leans more towards a cutting/recomp cycle, which if you are considering andro-lean may be what you are after. I've also taken Katanadrol. I cut the cycle early so I can't speak on how well it performed. It was when the whole quality control issues came out about some RLS/Needto pro-hormones. Nate assured everything was fine, but I would rather play it safe to be sure.

I've obviously never taken andro-hard/lean (as most haven't), but I've seen some pics of a log and the results were pretty impressive.

Let us know what you decide on.

I'll let you all know definetely, you've all been really helpful, i want to learn all i can on these forums so i can educate myself on PH's and a proper post cycle therapy (pct), diet, training that way i'm ready to go. What about supplementation usage during a PH cycle, say if i take whey protein, creatine monohydrated, a nitric oxide, multi, amino etc is that ok or just take my whey protein and a multivitamin?
speaking of PCT man, i want to know more, what if you don't take a PCT? There was this one guy at my gym, about 6'1" and his weight hovered around 190-197lbs with BF at 11% or 12%. He would take superdrol all year long or so his friends and brother said, orally, but i'm positive the guy doesn't even have a PCT and i even mentioned it to him and he was clueless so that mean his liver is all turned to shit now? I would always be like hey man you take any steroids or PH's and he'd be like nah man and the bottle of superdrol was so obvious right next to his shaker bottle haha

superdrol all year would have him in the hospital at the minimum, with liver failure among other things

without post cycle therapy (pct), he'll never have a properly functioning hpta

the guy is a fkn clueless retard and will suffer long term for his uneducated use and abuse of probably one the harshest orals there is, aas included

pct wise, check the stickies, read up on toremifene and its dosing, and you'll be can get cute and add shit like daa, trans resveratrol, and over stuff, but torem is your base, anyone tells you other wise, tell them to go fuck themselves
superdrol all year would have him in the hospital at the minimum, with liver failure among other things

without post cycle therapy (pct), he'll never have a properly functioning hpta

the guy is a fkn clueless retard and will suffer long term for his uneducated use and abuse of probably one the harshest orals there is, aas included

post cycle therapy (pct) wise, check the stickies, read up on toremifene and its dosing, and you'll be can get cute and add shit like daa, trans resveratrol, and over stuff, but torem is your base, anyone tells you other wise, tell them to go fuck themselves

Yeah i tried telling him to take a post cycle therapy (pct) and he was like don't need it, i know my shit besides i feel ok and getting good gains.. haven't seen him since. I was reading around and came across this info on toremifene. Some guy posted this info bro so you can have a read;

'I have nothing against toremifene, it and nolvadex work well although I actually use raloxifene as my SERM of choice. What I have a problem with is hearsay touted as fact and idiots espousing some BS that has no scientific basis and passing it on as fact.

Instead of repeating what you've read in some thread on a BB forum, why don't you do some real research and come back with some sort of intelligent assessment of how Toremefene works differently than tamoxifen.

If you can actually do some real research, you'll find the standard dose of Toremifene in the prevention of breast cancer is 40-60mg/day and 20mg/day has been found to be most effective for men in reducing prostate cancer..

The BB'ing post cycle therapy (pct) protocol of using 20mg/day of nolvadex was taken from the scientific studies on women that used 20mg/day to prevent the reoccurance of breast cancer. Scientific studies have shown toremifene exerts it's greatest beneficial effects at around 20-40-60mg/day (depending on the situation) and studies using as much as 400mg/day showed no increased benefit, over the standard doses, especially in relation to the increased negative side-effects..

To state it's actions aren't the same or very similar as to those of nolvadex is a rather strange comment. Considering scientific study after study show that in fact, the actions of the 2 compounds are remarkably similar. To be sure, there are also some differences albeit, generally minimal, especially in the short duration periods with which we are concerned.

By the way, while you're enjoying your high doses of toremifene, read the studies which show increases in SHBG and a reduction in testosterone and IGF-1 from toremifene.'