Recommendation for my first ProHormone

I'll let you all know definetely, you've all been really helpful, i want to learn all i can on these forums so i can educate myself on PH's and a proper post cycle therapy (pct), diet, training that way i'm ready to go. What about supplementation usage during a PH cycle, say if i take whey protein, creatine monohydrated, a nitric oxide, multi, amino etc is that ok or just take my whey protein and a multivitamin?

You dont need those extra supplements during your run. Save them for pct and beyond. If you have trouble getting in enough protein in your diet, keep using the whey. Multi can stay as well.
Yeah i tried telling him to take a post cycle therapy (pct) and he was like don't need it, i know my shit besides i feel ok and getting good gains.. haven't seen him since. I was reading around and came across this info on toremifene. Some guy posted this info bro so you can have a read;

'I have nothing against toremifene, it and nolvadex work well although I actually use raloxifene as my SERM of choice. What I have a problem with is hearsay touted as fact and idiots espousing some BS that has no scientific basis and passing it on as fact.

Instead of repeating what you've read in some thread on a BB forum, why don't you do some real research and come back with some sort of intelligent assessment of how Toremefene works differently than tamoxifen.

If you can actually do some real research, you'll find the standard dose of Toremifene in the prevention of breast cancer is 40-60mg/day and 20mg/day has been found to be most effective for men in reducing prostate cancer..

The BB'ing post cycle therapy (pct) protocol of using 20mg/day of nolvadex was taken from the scientific studies on women that used 20mg/day to prevent the reoccurance of breast cancer. Scientific studies have shown toremifene exerts it's greatest beneficial effects at around 20-40-60mg/day (depending on the situation) and studies using as much as 400mg/day showed no increased benefit, over the standard doses, especially in relation to the increased negative side-effects..

To state it's actions aren't the same or very similar as to those of nolvadex is a rather strange comment. Considering scientific study after study show that in fact, the actions of the 2 compounds are remarkably similar. To be sure, there are also some differences albeit, generally minimal, especially in the short duration periods with which we are concerned.

By the way, while you're enjoying your high doses of toremifene, read the studies which show increases in SHBG and a reduction in testosterone and IGF-1 from toremifene.'

Part of the action of all SERMs in the increase in SHBG. It's part of the negative feedback loop that "tricks" the HPTA into producing test to even things out.

Anecdotally, it is almost universally accepted that toremifene makes for a much, much smoother post cycle therapy (pct) than Nolva. I know that I didn't have the libido death while using Tor that I always get with Nolva.
Part of the action of all SERMs in the increase in SHBG. It's part of the negative feedback loop that "tricks" the HPTA into producing test to even things out.

Anecdotally, it is almost universally accepted that toremifene makes for a much, much smoother PCT than Nolva. I know that I didn't have the libido death while using Tor that I always get with Nolva.

^^^^this, and nolva is more genotoxic at 20mg than torem at 60mg, not too mention torem has a positive effect on your hdl/ldl values which more often than not are compromised on cycle
^^^^this, and nolva is more genotoxic at 20mg than torem at 60mg, not too mention torem has a positive effect on your hdl/ldl values which more often than not are compromised on cycle

The effects on lipids itself makes tor a positive addition. That, IMO, is the most overlooked aspect of PCT.
I would rec some amount of test in ANY and EVERY cycle even just 200mg ew.
but on to the oral part ssuming you will take some test I would rec:
wk1-12 500mg testE ew
wk1-6 20mg beastdrol ed

along with lost of protien powder and a good pre-wo like N2KTS and your set.
dotn forget to force down lots of food of course
A nice stack would be Helladrol/Katanadrol, you could get decent size and strength and lean out a bit with the combo.