Recovering from a major injury


New member
Here is my background. I am 38 years young. I have been training for many years. I am currently on my 2nd cycle. I just got tired of being stagnant for years on end. So here is the situation. I just recently got the green light to resume normal activity after major back surgery 5 weeks ago. The purpose of this cycle is body recomp. I am looking to recover from both the surgery and associated atrophy in both my upper and more so in my lower body. I am 2 weeks in and would like everyone's thoughts.

Age 38
Body type ectomorph
Weight 184 (204 before injury)
Height 6'2
BF 9%
Diet 3200 very clean calories

Weeks 1-12 test E 500 mg/week
Weeks 1-12 Letro 1.25mg E3D

PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20

Do you think this will get me "back" so to speak?
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I would also consider TB500. It has been a life saver for me. I am on the wrong side of 30 and still powerlifting because of it. It pulled me back from a torn tricep, quad, and strained bicep....quickly. Injuries that would have taken 6 months to fully recover from, I managed it in less than half of that.
Glad your surgery went well, my brother in laws mom had it done and was never the same person after, so my advice is take it slow, your going to gain strength quickly, but don't lift as heavy as you can you don't want re injure your back or even screw it up for good, ease into it, the other thing is you might find you have to lower/adjust that letro dose........................... or you might not have to do anything, I found Letro KILLS my sex drive altogether, no matter the dose of test Im on, so just be aware of that!!