Recovering from propecia and gynecomastia. Need help!


New member
Basically I took propecia and crashed, I tried thousand of things to recover and nothing gave me results besides tribulus, clomid and tamoxifen.

My recent levels without doing serms and tribulus was

T: 280
E2: 36
Lh: 2
Fsh: 1.8
TSH: 2.0
Prolactin: 4

I was doing well until I started gym and eating a lot of oats (my cholesterol dropped a lot) I felt a mini crash But I already recover to where j was before the cholesterol drop (eating a lot of eggs and bacon). One thing I noticed, as soon as I started doing gym, my supplements/herbs stopped working and I didn't improve anymore, then I tested stopping gym for 15 days and take them again (clomid 25mg) everything worked again, now I started gym again and they are no longer working, it's like taking a pill that doesn't do anything. My diet is fine, I'm not drinking even a drop of alcohol for a long time. Do you think I should stop doing gym to let my body recover? I was doing really intense training and getting good results, but supplements stopped working and no improvements in libido or in pfs in general,as soon as I stopped they worked again (sorry to sound repetitive but do you guys think it's cortisol related?)

Basically I want to make serms work again, do you guys suggest to stop doing gym? Is it a cortisol problem that makes Hpta stop working from the stimulation that we get from serms?

Last question: Is there anything I can do to stimulate even more the leydig cells, like make them work better with clomid.

Btw: My dosage was 12.5mg-25mg clomid. Or 5-10mg of tamoxifen (never taken together because it's too strong for me and I feel some low e sides even joint pain) also I don't mix serms to AIs because it kills my E and I get panick attack. I was taking once a week and getting incredible results.

Ps: I read many recoveries from post finasteride syndrome and all of them said the recovery comes with ups and downs giving a better baseline, and that's exactly what I felt on tribulus, clomid or tamoxifen. Is there any way to avoid the estrogen increase from serms (because I think the rebound get me worse, but with a better baseline comparing to before taking it) I can't take any AI even very low dosage once every 14 days, like less than 0.25mg of Arimidex cause me panick attack and gyno feel painful.

I forgot to say that I'm also suffering from gyno, I have very puffy nipples with a lump behind them, but they are not big, I would say they are the size of a bean. Would taking tamoxifen instead of clomid be a better idea to recover (libido, energy and also gyno at the same time) instead of clomid?

Thank you so much guys. I'm so relieved that I discovered the cure. I was suffering pfs for 5y + but I just need to adjust a little things, I hope you guys can help me.