Red, painful and swollen around injcetion site


New member
I injected myself two days ago and the site is very sore to the touch, red and very swollen. What could this possibly be and this is the second time this has happened to me. I always inject in either glute. I always make sure i thoroughly clean the site and am very clean with the process. Is it an infection or what?? What did i do wrong??
This could be a number of things bro...

What are you injecting? Do you have any allergies? Do you feel a "lump" of sorts in the injection site? What size needle?

Also, definitely could be an infection as MilkDaScow mentioned. You'r best bet is probably to wait it out a couple days. If you feel it could be an infection, a doctor visited would be your best bet.
I dont have any allergies, im injecting test prop every 2 days and win every 4. I always make sure to stay away from the lumps from the previous shots even though i always inject in the glutes (alternating). I use a 23 g 1.5 inch needle. Could it just be how im giving myself the shot? Is there a way of avoiding this from now on??
are the glutes the only places your shooting?
My personal rule is to not hit the same spot more than once a week.
definitely rotate your sites more often, personally I never used the same site for at least 10 days. you know the gear is clean, you used sterile technique so chances are it's not an infection. not saying it can't be but doubt it.
deez1985 said:
I only shoot in my glutes, tried the shoulder and the pain kept me from sleeping. Any suggestions??

Suggestion is find somewhere other that your glutes to help rotate.
Shoulder may feel more pain, but it takes some getting used to. Try a shower right before u inject... and a massage on the site afterwords could also help.
deez1985 said:
I only shoot in my glutes, tried the shoulder and the pain kept me from sleeping. Any suggestions??

you gotta rotate your sites.. you will be sore at first but the muscles will get used to it and it will be better each time you go to that site again.
I have had reactions like yours when i shot too much gear into a small site like my tricep. Keep an eye on it but if you are not running a fever i don't think it is an infection... just a reaction. Probably from using the same sites over again and you have a build up of oil.
that shit happens to me every time i shoot prop . my body does not like it. i shot it in my bicep and my whole arm was red and i couldnt do a thing with it.
Good news is an infection takes more than 2 days to show (infections need time to cultivate) and if it was, the first time it happened would have resulted in an absess that would be extremely painful. The only thing I'd say (aside from whats already said) is make sure you're technique is right. This means putting the needle all the way in without fishing around, injecting slowly and leaving the needle in for a second so the oil can absorb instead of following the needle back out. Oh, and always aspirate. If you aren't confident, I'm sure you can find a training video online somewhere.
ssmla123 said:
Good news is an infection takes more than 2 days to show (infections need time to cultivate) and if it was, the first time it happened would have resulted in an absess that would be extremely painful. The only thing I'd say (aside from whats already said) is make sure you're technique is right. This means putting the needle all the way in without fishing around, injecting slowly and leaving the needle in for a second so the oil can absorb instead of following the needle back out. Oh, and always aspirate. If you aren't confident, I'm sure you can find a training video online somewhere.

What do u mean by aspirate??
Most likely not an infection. A lot of prop users complain of this. I happen to be fine with the prop that I've tried, however I've had some injections that have put me in agony and ended up to be nothing more than bad injections. If it's happened twice it means you probably don't react well to prop (or that prop because of how it was constructed). Your pretty much S.O.L. - either take the pain or forget the prop/try another prop.
If it's UG lab steroid try to get a better one, over here you can also get pain free suspension, lab tested etc.

Also, only using glutes will sooner or later fuck you up. Shoot smaller amounts in both shoulders, vastus lateralis is a good place and a long muscle so you can use the same muscle but other locations in it and so on.
deez1985 said:
What do u mean by aspirate??

please tell me your kidding.

Essentially aspiriating this:

Stick yourself with the needle
With your thumb, pull the plunger in the opposite direction of injection (extracting). No need to pull more than a 1/16" roughly.

What does this do? If you pull back and nothing but bubbles come out your good. If you pull back and there is blood - your needle is in a vein. Injecting in a vein is not a fun experience. Injecting in a vein results in anything from a mild cough to completely passing out (with a needle in your leg/ass!) and you could even hit your head :insane2:
outlawtas2 said:
please tell me your kidding.

Essentially aspiriating this:

Stick yourself with the needle
With your thumb, pull the plunger in the opposite direction of injection (extracting). No need to pull more than a 1/16" roughly.

What does this do? If you pull back and nothing but bubbles come out your good. If you pull back and there is blood - your needle is in a vein. Injecting in a vein is not a fun experience. Injecting in a vein results in anything from a mild cough to completely passing out (with a needle in your leg/ass!) and you could even hit your head :insane2:

ps this should be done everytime you inject intramuscularly.