rest week??


New member
This might sound stupid since the term is "Rest Week" but when u do think it's time to give your body a rest from the usual beating u give it in the gym is there any type of exercise u can do?

I'm just asking because I hate having long periods off the gym!

Possibly some deloading or flushing out routines?

Cheers. :afro:
danchubbz said:
This might sound stupid since the term is "Rest Week" but when u do think it's time to give your body a rest from the usual beating u give it in the gym is there any type of exercise u can do?

I'm just asking because I hate having long periods off the gym!

Possibly some deloading or flushing out routines?

Cheers. :afro:

Everything doesnt have to be a routine. Just take a few weeks off once in a while. Like every 5 months or so. Just eat less because you will not be as active and you dont want to store the extra calories as fat. Eat enough so you dont lose very much muscle. Keep the diet clean all the time in my opinion. Thats what I do and it is perfect. Try and see, and find exactly how you need to do it to maintain in that period. Rest like this is great for your body and joints, tendons etc.
If you feel you must do something, do some yoga it is great for your CNS and will make you feel rested and keep you limber.
huskyguy said:
If you feel you must do something, do some yoga it is great for your CNS and will make you feel rested and keep you limber.

Thats too boring!!!!!!!!!! hahaha. :D

Go fishing or play a sport. Enjoy the break away from gym stuff.
time off is something that alot of stuborn poeple dont want....Oh i am going to shrink etc..

One thing to consider to help you recover better while you are hitting it hard, is sleep and rest...I personally like to sleep 7-8 hours each night, and let me tell you it matters alot.

By deloading\cruisin or taking 1 week off are actually letting the cns recover and then blast away when u get back to it and you will be rested and be able to push more weight....granted that first week back is just getting the #'s dialed in, but after that just sit back and watch your old numbers get beat.