Reusing pins!?


New member
Hey bit of a predicament.. thought i had enough pins for this cycle but im gunna be short and can't get some in time... has anyone reused there own pins, doesn seem to unreasonable i lozd with the same pin and switch to the fresh one every use they are still sharp, worries of infection??

First things first. PREPARATION my friend! Always prepare for everything.

Lesson number 2: NEVER re-use a pin. That's just not safe and definitely not sanitary.

Get pinz bro. The website and what you need to do.
Trevdog said:
I just can't advise anyone to reuse a syringe.

At pennies per pin why would you have to...

But anyhow you said the pin is still sharp. You might think so but it iten't sticking the pin through the rubber top of vial will dull it then sticking yourself dulls it even more so thats fact everone knows this. So even though no one will tell you you can reuse i'll tell you you can if you had to. I would steril it with boiling water at the very least if i had to. I have spoken about a herion addict friend not to mention the rest of the dope heads in my old back in boston nabor hood. Well any how these guys would reuse a slin pin over and over and over and would just pull it out of there pocket so talk about not being steril. yuck it makes me grossed out just thinking of it. Well good luck bro. ps are you in the us? If you are i get my pins in mail in like 2 or 3 days pm me if you want more info on that. Mike
Use the website mentioned above. They can overnight them to you. Cost you $26 with shipping for a box of 25.
in 2-3 days you can get 50 without the extra shipping with the overnight. it was like 15.00$ or so....
That site gets them to be the next day or the day after, with just priority shipping... so... not sure why this is a problem for you.

Anyway, plan ahead better next time.

pins are 25cents whats wrong with you .do you reuse condoms....
Use your head.make sure you get a sharpes container too
in england you can go down the drug clinic and get as many pin and syringes as you want , i go once every couple months and get:

100 green
100 blue
100 insulin
100 2ml syringes
20 10ml syringes
20 20ml syringes
300 swabs

all you have to do is return them in the box they provide and you can have as many as you want, no name is needed just your initials.
sicasso13 said:
pins are 25cents whats wrong with you .do you reuse condoms....
Use your head.make sure you get a sharpes container too
i turn my condoms inside out and use them again! now they are ribbed for MY pleasure!!
If you live in the US, find out if your state has laws against buying syringes without a script. There are some states that have laws against it and many that do not. If your state does not have a law against obtaining syringes, just go to your nearest pharmacy and ask for a box. I do it all the time with no problem. I always buy a box when I get down to around 25 or so. Just to give you a heads up, a box of 100 should not cost more than $20.00! If you do not buy a full box, most pharmacies will charge between $.10-$.18 for each. Slins usually go for about $2.50 per pack of 10. Hope this helps!!!
Reuse a pin... is it safe??
Like wankin with a cheese grater...., some things you just dont do.
Like RG said its all in the prep work.
But its your body do you REALLY wanna take that kind of risk?

I think you already know the answer.
Absolutely not. Why risk anything? Either

a.) have all of your shit together when you start
b.)order on ******* right now and have them overnighted. In the long run waiting another day or two for your next stick wont set you back really and its far better than the alternative and what can go wrong.

The first time I tried injectables, I'll admit, I did reuse several pins. I also used to draw and inject with the same needle. I reused one needle 3 times for drawing and injecting, and that motherfucker started to HURT! :doh: Since then I order mine from the above mentioned site and I get my stuff in 2 days.

Back then, I didn't really know any better, but since then, I have not reused a needle. :blue: