RUI Products are the best!!!!!!!!


New member
I have been using RUI products for at least 10 years. I regularly use the liquid CIA. I made the mistake of ordering another company's CIA once, what a disappointment that was. Wasted money. I know what I get from RUI will be exactly what they say it is. The liquid CIA makes me have supreme confidence in the bed and always feel like a God in my performance.
The only products I ever liked from them were clen and cialis. Serms and AIs were either fake or under dosed.
The only products I ever liked from them were clen and cialis. Serms and AIs were either fake or under dosed.

Thats bullshit. The ai's reversed my gyno. I supose thethousand of satisified customers over the last 18 year going back to when Lion was run the outfit are wrong.

Great products great service. Lion was a pioneer. I hear he retired on an island somewhere.
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